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The First

'The First' is a near direct translation of the position that heads the Elven High Council.     The First is precisely that, not a King or Queen, but the first among equals.   As membership on the council requires mastery of the 5th circle of magic, to be the first one must be a powerful wielder of the mystic arts.  However, the First is also a deeply political position, and one that exists through a combination of appointment and skulduggery.  Not every powerful magus might want the role, and indeed given how the First 'fronts' the Council, one might wish to 'rule from the shadows'.   One becomes the First in one of two ways; Either one receives the votes of more than half the council when the seat is vacant, or one challenges the present holder.  The later is far more common as Elves long lifespans and power means the position is usually only vacated by abdication and afterwards even one voted into power might be challenged.   The First sits on the Chair within the Council chamber when the council meats with others.  They offer judgment, accept diplomatic relations from other powers and act as the face of political power in the city.   In truth many decisions must be made with the council; though simple day to day matters, especially in regards to matters of foreigners, is delegated to the First.  In council meetings the first also holds the chair position, delegating who can speak and calling for votes on matters.  While they have a vote themselves, they also have an additional tie-breaking vote.  This vote is suppose to represent an abstract appeal to authority and thus is not guaranteed to flow from the Firsts personal convictions.    Like many elven Titles, earning the rank of 'The First' eliminates regular use of your name.  Past firsts are remembered often with a reignal title.  The Ancestor, the Surrenderer of the Keys, or the Singer of Lullaby's for example.
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