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The Ilse of Il

Il is one of the easternmost Islands in the Far Island Archipelago. As such it has a long history of contact with the continent and has been shaped by both an ancient history and contact with the veld.   Green and Forested, with deep forests, rolling hills and craggy cliffs, it is picturesque; but this conceals a history of blood, and mysteries both ancient and recent.


The Island is large, in Island circumstances it would take perhaps four days to walk east-west from shore to shore and six days to walk north-west. Walking the entirety of its perimeter is about a sixteen-day journey, though this would be difficult because of its geography.   It's coastline in the north is full of jagged fjords and recessed bays framed by low mountains. These give way to more calm shores, short cliffs, interspaced with rocky and sandy beaches.   The southern part of the Island is mostly small wooded area's surrounded by rolling hills. Generations of Sheep-farming have begun to shape the land and pushed the Wilder woodlands to the north. These encompass the Northern Half of the Island, where Kingdoms and farms exist nearer the coasts and peripheries. The thick ancient forests are foreboding for numerous reasons, not the last of which is the presence of the elves.

Fauna & Flora

Birds of every kind call the island home, but it also has its fair share of land animals. Bears, Wolves and Wild Cats are the Islands main predators.   Deer and Wild pigs are prominent in the interior forests, with Seals and Sea otters common on its northern beaches.

Natural Resources

The Strong Oakwood of the Island is much prized, as are it's deposits of Sandstone and Gypsum. The North has some veins of Copper and Iron; but the majority of the Islands fractious kingdoms rely on Wheat, Barley and Oats in farming, Apple Orchards, or Sheep grazing.
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