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Tyr is the eldest son of Odin and Frigga and is one of the elder gods of Asgard in that regard.  He is a powerfully built man, often clothed in Bearskins, and a fierce warrior, but also a very capable commander.  Wise and patient, he is a God embodying Strategy, Will and Sacrifice.    One of his arms is missing and the tale embodies Tyr; The Fenris Wolf, monstrous offspring of Loki and a Giant, was too terrible even for the gods to overcome.  Unable to slay it they conspired to imprison it; they convinced it to play a game in which they would try and bind it.  It knew no normal chain could hold it and easily burst the first two they tried.  Yet the third looked odd, and indeed it had been forged by the Dwarves to be nigh unbreakable.  The wolf was suspicious though, and so Tyr offered to put his arm in the creature's mouth as a sign of trust.  The chain was fastened and the beast could not escape and bit off Tyr's arm,

Divine Domains

Courage, Trust, Strategy, Tactics, Writing

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A Sword

Tenets of Faith

Tyr holds sacrifice for others to be a noble thing, while foolish sacrifice is abhorred.  Strategy and forethought in battle and life are similar virtues.


The New moon, in perfect nightly darkness beneath only the ordered Stars is where Tyr takes his most sacred sacrifices; animals, crafted objects of worth, etc.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Tyr knows his destiny, and how his Wyrd will end, and he intends to meet it properly, with honour.
Divine Classification
Intermediate God


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