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OSAD Session 12 - Forever Autumn

General Summary

After the disturbing vision with The Mountain King, the party plans their next move. Aimee receives a letter from Harman Greeves to remind her to look into House Autumn. Ali and Bill head off by themselves to meet with Voyage at Fort Skull.   Aimee and Lor head by to Godswill City and meet with the king. Archibald talks of the former heroes of Reddex and how he believes the party can fill the void left behind by them. Aimee informs the king about Finnian planning a war against him.   Afterward, Aimee and Lor attend a meeting with Rose and Dustin about how to proceed with the Royal Unifiers. Rose suggests a propaganda tour that could bring the people of the land together. The party reluctantly agrees and teams up with Ella Leandro.   Lor and Dustin talk aside from the party and she refuses his idea to take over as the house head of House Lunargaze. Afterward, she has a strange vision from the past and from Ella's POV.   Weakened by the vision and weeks of stress, Lor spends some time recovering by herself before the press tour. While Aimee and Ella spar together before investigating House Autumn and Veritas.   Once the duo arrives at Fort Autumn, they investigate a temple of Veritas, finding inside Mace Kirkham, a high-ranking Ward lord. It takes some time to get the information out of him but Mace says he joined because of the promises of redemption the religion offers.   The duo learns more and the religion and then meets with Xoe Autumn, the head of House Autumn. Xoe is casual and first but then gets the duo to question their allegiance and offers to show them "the truth" in exchange for information on what John Clarke and Harman Greeves are planning.   The duo head back home afterward while Ali talks with The Custodian about the upcoming war, which The Custodian fully supports. Ali gets him drunk and finds out The Custodian's name is Tom and he lost his eye while being tortured.   Ali speaks with Voyage after the fact and learns The Custodian sleeps a lot and Ali tries to convince Voyage to remain loyal to him. The two then head to Ali's house.


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