BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

OSAD Session 16 - That's Life

General Summary

Ali heads to the hold within Seabreeze. Inside he finds Finnian sitting on his father's throne. Guards surround the room. Finnian asks Ali to approach him, saying he was very happy he could make time out of his busy schedule of slaying dragons and saving lords to meet him. He asks how his family is doing and how the party is doing. He then asks why he betrayed him. At this point, every guard in the room draws their blades. Finnian tells Ali that if he tries anything it would be suicide and that he should think about it, he can't win here, he is outnumbered and out-skilled and any act of aggression will only result in him being hunted forever as a threat to national security. Ali surrenders and Finnian breaks his nose while exposing him as a half-elf, has Bill and Voyage arrested, and has Ali's armour and weapons taken from him.   The two share a forced carriage ride into the city while discussing philosophies. Once they reach a certain part of town, the guards switch their standard armour for hooded armour with masks. The carriages continue until they arrive at a seedy-looking neighborhood.   A smuggler named Bren Dawnshy talks with her underling Laz Silver about business. Meanwhile, two more of her men: Kamar and Gwin, collect a loan, with Von proving herself by forcing the man to hand over money. Bren is interrupted by the arrival of Finnian, who hands Ali over to her, saying she is to smuggle him to somewhere in Deepforge lands. Due to problems, Ali has to stay in the city for a few weeks, so Finnian says he can stay with Bren and use items she has smuggled to create weapons for Finnian's army, but he will leave guards behind. Bren agrees and brings Ali to a church where she hides her loot.   Gwin is placed to guard Ali alongside Finnian's guards. Ali ends up playing cards with the two of them alongside one of Finnian's men, bonding with his captors to a degree. Ali hatches a plan with Bren to kill Finnian.   Gwin receives a message from her real boss in secret, as Gwin is actually Von, a changeling assassin tasked with keeping an eye on Bren's operation. Von goes to meet with someone her boss informs her to speak with. It is revealed to be the man they played cards with, who is also undercover. Von and he plan to extract Ali, as Von's instructions have changed.   They succeed in doing so, as Ali goes along with the plan, only for them to be discovered by Bren, who has been following them. Von and Ali escape, while the man holds off Bren. Bren kills him and manages to blame Ali's escape on Finnian's men.   As Von and Ali ride away, suddenly they spot that a dragon is flying above the city, a green one. Zevna, who has been summoned accidentally, spots the carriage and lands before Ali. Transforming to her human form, she appears to have changed. Ali begins to explain himself before Zevna reveals she is pregnant, and Ali is the father.


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