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Arryn Greenhill

Arryn Greenhill

Arryn may be the Cosa of the samizdat, but he is, in general, a kind man, as long as you don't cross him. Within the city of Swordbreak he will take in those living on the streets and offer them a place in his ranks for a cost. During meetings and celebrations, he can be the life of the party, with jokes and stories galore. However, when it comes down to it, he knows how to disappear in the city his group has helped build.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Arryn Greenhill maintains a lean and wiry physical condition, reflective of his agility and quick reflexes. His well-groomed appearance, from a neatly kept beard to carefully chosen attire, exudes a combination of authority and charm. Despite the demands of leading the Samizdat, Arryn's physique suggests a disciplined and resilient individual.

Physical quirks

he tends to unconsciously adjust the well-worn leather gloves he often wears

Special abilities

Masterful Stealth and Infiltration: A product of his early years as a thief and his leadership role within the Samizdat, Arryn excels in stealth and infiltration. He can move silently, blend seamlessly into his surroundings, and navigate the shadows with exceptional skill.   Exceptional Charisma and Persuasion: Arryn's charismatic demeanor enables him to charm and persuade individuals effectively. Whether negotiating alliances or recruiting new members to the Samizdat, his ability to influence others is a key asset.   Keen Observation and Analysis: His sharp green eyes and keen observational skills allow Arryn to analyze situations quickly and make strategic decisions. He can assess people and environments with a high level of accuracy, providing a tactical advantage in various scenarios.   Resourcefulness and Adaptability: Arryn's resourcefulness and adaptability are special abilities that have contributed to his success. He can think on his feet, devise creative solutions to problems, and adapt to rapidly changing circumstances.   Combat Proficiency: While not relying solely on physical strength, Arryn has developed proficient combat skills. He combines agility, precision, and knowledge of weaponry to defend himself and the Samizdat when necessary.   Tactical Leadership: Arryn's ability to strategically lead the Samizdat sets him apart. His tactical acumen allows him to plan and execute complex operations, manage resources efficiently, and outmaneuver rivals within Swordbreak's criminal landscape.   Advanced Information Gathering: Arryn's expertise in information gathering goes beyond typical means. He utilizes a network of informants, advanced surveillance equipment, and his own intuition to stay ahead of threats and maintain a comprehensive understanding of Swordbreak's dynamics.   Strategic Alliances and Diplomacy: His proficiency in forging strategic alliances and diplomatic negotiations is a special ability. Arryn can navigate the delicate balance of relationships within the criminal underworld and beyond, leveraging connections for the benefit of the Samizdat.

Apparel & Accessories

Arryn Greenhill favors dark, nondescript attire that allows him to seamlessly blend into the shadows of Swordbreak. He often wears well-worn leather gloves, each finger carefully exposed for nimble movements. His clothing is practical yet sophisticated, reflecting both his role as the leader of the Samizdat and his ability to navigate the intricate world of criminal operations. Additionally, Arryn may occasionally adorn himself with subtle accessories, such as a discreet pendant or a symbolic ring.

Specialized Equipment

Concealed Weapons: Arryn carries concealed weapons, such as a compact dagger or a discreet throwing knife, providing him with a means of self-defense in unexpected situations.   Communication Devices: To maintain constant communication with members of the Samizdat, Arryn has access to discreet communication devices, enabling secure and swift exchanges of information.   Lockpicking Tools: Given the syndicate's involvement in covert operations, Arryn possesses a set of specialized lockpicking tools. These tools aid in gaining access to secured locations and contribute to the success of the Samizdat's heists.   Disguise Kit: To navigate Swordbreak's diverse environments and avoid unwanted attention, Arryn has a disguise kit. This includes items like wigs, clothing alterations, and makeup to alter his appearance when necessary.   Information Gathering Tools: Arryn employs various tools for gathering information, ranging from concealed cameras to listening devices. These tools are crucial for staying ahead of rivals and maintaining a strategic advantage.   Secure Documents and Code Devices: To protect sensitive information and maintain the secrecy of the Samizdat's operations, Arryn uses secure documents and code devices. These aid in encrypting messages and safeguarding critical data.     Symbolic Insignia: As a symbol of leadership and authority within the Samizdat, Arryn may carry a distinctive insignia or emblem. This symbolizes his role as Cosa and fosters a sense of unity among the syndicate's members.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into poverty in the lower districts of Swordbreak, Arryn Greenhill's childhood was marked by the harsh realities of destitution. His family's struggles shaped his understanding of survival and resourcefulness from an early age.   As a teenager, Arryn found himself drawn to the criminal underworld as a means to escape the pervasive poverty that gripped Swordbreak. Arryn's natural intelligence and adaptability allowed him to seamlessly integrate into the ranks of the syndicate.   Arryn's role within the Samizdat evolved beyond that of a mere infiltrator. His genuine concern for the disenfranchised and his ability to navigate the intricate web of the organization earned him the respect of its members. By the age of 25, Arryn had risen to a leadership position within the Samizdat.   As a leader, Arryn initiated programs within Swordbreak to support those living on the streets, offering them shelter and a purpose within the syndicate. Despite his government origins, Arryn's commitment to the Samizdat's cause and its impact on the community became genuine.   Dual Persona and Mastery of Shadows (Years 31-40): Arryn's public persona became one of charm and charisma. During meetings and celebrations, he showcased a lighter side, weaving jokes and stories. Behind the scenes, he maintained a shrewd understanding of the organization's intricacies. When decisive action was required, Arryn demonstrated a willingness to be stern and, when necessary, disappear into the shadows of the city.


Arryn's education was informal and shaped primarily by the challenges of his environment. Growing up in the lower districts of Swordbreak, formal education opportunities were limited, and his early years were marked by the struggle for survival rather than formal schooling.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Successful Expansion into New Territories: Under Arryn's leadership, the Samizdat successfully expanded its influence into previously untapped territories within the Xopis Empire. This strategic growth not only increased the syndicate's operational capacity but also solidified its reputation as a force to be reckoned with, both within Swordbreak and beyond.   Implementation of Effective Information Network: Arryn spearheaded the development of a highly effective and secure information network for the Samizdat. This intricate web of informants, operatives, and communication channels allowed the syndicate to stay ahead of its rivals and city authorities, ensuring timely and accurate intelligence for strategic decision-making.   Establishment of Charitable Programs with Genuine Impact: Arryn successfully initiated and sustained charitable programs within Swordbreak that genuinely improved the lives of those living on the streets. These programs not only served as a cover for the Samizdat's activities but also demonstrated a commitment to the well-being of the community. The positive impact contributed to a nuanced public image for the syndicate.   Strategic Alliances with Influential Figures: Recognizing the importance of alliances, Arryn forged strategic partnerships with influential figures both within and outside the criminal underworld. These alliances provided the Samizdat with additional resources, protection, and access to valuable information. Arryn's diplomatic prowess played a crucial role in navigating these relationships successfully.   Effective Response to External Threats: When faced with significant external threats, such as aggressive actions from rival criminal organizations or heightened scrutiny from city authorities, Arryn demonstrated adept leadership in formulating and executing effective countermeasures. The Samizdat not only weathered these challenges but emerged stronger and more resilient, further solidifying its position as a formidable entity in the criminal landscape.

Failures & Embarrassments

Botched Heist in the Jewel District: Early in Arryn's career within the Samizdat, a high-stakes heist in the affluent Jewel District went awry. Despite meticulous planning, unforeseen complications arose, leading to the failure of the operation. This setback not only resulted in a significant loss of potential loot but also exposed the Samizdat's activities, attracting unwanted attention from both rival criminal elements and city authorities.   Internal Dispute and Temporary Fragmentation: During a critical decision-making period, Arryn faced internal dissent within the Samizdat regarding the direction of the organization. A dispute among key lieutenants led to temporary fragmentation within the syndicate. The discord not only compromised ongoing operations but also tarnished the reputation of unity and strength that Arryn had worked hard to maintain.   Betrayal by a Trusted Informant: Arryn, known for his ability to read people, experienced a personal failure when a trusted informant within the organization turned out to be a double agent. The betrayal led to the exposure of critical information, putting the Samizdat at a tactical disadvantage and resulting in the loss of valuable assets. This incident forced Arryn to reassess his trust in others and implement stricter security measures.   Failed Diplomatic Maneuver with a Rival Syndicate: In an attempt to secure a temporary alliance with a rival syndicate to address a common threat, Arryn initiated a diplomatic maneuver. However, negotiations broke down due to a miscalculation on his part, leading to increased hostilities between the two groups. This failure not only weakened the Samizdat's standing but also highlighted Arryn's vulnerability in the realm of strategic alliances.   Unintended Exposure of Samizdat's Charitable Initiatives: In an effort to garner public support and deflect attention from their criminal activities, Arryn initiated a charitable program within Swordbreak. However, due to a miscommunication within the organization, details of the Samizdat's involvement in these initiatives were inadvertently exposed. The unintended revelation raised suspicions among city authorities, forcing Arryn to navigate a delicate situation to maintain the syndicate's secrecy.

Mental Trauma

Betrayal and Trust Issues: The discovery of a trusted informant within the Samizdat who turned out to be a double agent left Arryn with deep-seated trust issues. This betrayal not only had operational consequences but also shook his confidence in accurately reading people. Consequently, Arryn may struggle with trusting others fully, always wary of potential betrayal.   Guilt over Sacrifices Made for Leadership: The choices Arryn made to rise to the leadership of the Samizdat were not without sacrifices. Whether it's individuals who faced consequences due to the syndicate's activities or personal relationships strained by the demands of leadership, Arryn may grapple with guilt over the toll his decisions have taken on others.   Residual Trauma from Early Life Struggles: Arryn's upbringing in poverty and the hardships he faced during his early years likely left lasting psychological scars. Memories of scarcity, the constant struggle for survival, and the fear of returning to a life of destitution may contribute to moments of anxiety or a persistent feeling of unease, even in his current position of power.

Intellectual Characteristics

Sharp Analytical Skills: Arryn is known for his keen analytical mind. Whether assessing potential threats, evaluating opportunities for expansion, or deciphering complex situations, he demonstrates a sharp ability to analyze information and make informed decisions.   Tactical Thinking: His intellectual prowess extends to tactical thinking, allowing him to formulate and execute strategic plans effectively. Arryn excels at devising intricate schemes, anticipating outcomes, and adjusting his approach based on the evolving circumstances of the criminal landscape.   Masterful Negotiation and Diplomacy: Arryn's leadership involves frequent negotiations with both allies and rivals. His intellectual characteristics include masterful negotiation skills and a deep understanding of diplomacy. He can navigate delicate situations, strike advantageous deals, and maintain alliances that benefit the Samizdat's objectives.   Adaptability and Flexibility: In the ever-changing world of criminal activities and power dynamics, Arryn's intellectual flexibility shines. He adapts to new challenges, adjusts strategies on the fly, and remains open to alternative solutions, showcasing a dynamic intellect that thrives in unpredictable environments.   Strategic Vision: Arryn possesses a strategic vision that extends beyond immediate concerns. His intellectual characteristics include the ability to envision long-term goals for the Samizdat, foresee potential obstacles, and plan for the syndicate's sustained success in the face of evolving threats.   In-depth Understanding of Human Psychology: A skilled leader and manipulator when necessary, Arryn has a nuanced understanding of human psychology. This intellectual trait enables him to read people effectively, anticipate their actions, and influence them to align with the Samizdat's goals.   Cunning and Resourcefulness: Arryn's intellectual toolkit includes a high level of cunning and resourcefulness. When confronted with challenges, he utilizes creative and unconventional solutions to outmaneuver adversaries, demonstrating an ability to think outside conventional boundaries.   Crisis Management Skills: Given the inherently risky nature of the Samizdat's operations, Arryn excels in crisis management. His intellectual characteristics include a calm and collected approach during emergencies, allowing him to make calculated decisions and guide the syndicate through turbulent times.

Morality & Philosophy

Survival and Empathy: Born into poverty, Arryn's moral compass is grounded in the principles of survival and empathy. He understands the struggles of the less fortunate and believes in providing a means for them to survive and thrive, even if it involves operating in the shadows.   Pragmatic Morality: Arryn adheres to a pragmatic form of morality. While he recognizes the legality and societal norms that define traditional morality, he also acknowledges the necessity of bending these rules to achieve the greater good, as defined by the Samizdat's goals.   Criminal Necessity: Arryn's leadership in a criminal organization requires a moral flexibility. He justifies the illegal activities of the Samizdat as a necessary means to survive and counteract the oppressive systems of the Xopis Empire. This philosophy is rooted in the belief that the syndicate's actions serve a purpose beyond personal gain.   Family Loyalty: Arryn views the members of the Samizdat as a chosen family. Loyalty to this "family" is a fundamental aspect of his moral code. He prioritizes the well-being and safety of those within the syndicate, often making decisions based on what he perceives to be in the best interest of this extended family.   Balancing Acts of Kindness and Ruthlessness: His philosophy involves a delicate balance between acts of kindness, such as charitable initiatives, and ruthlessness in dealing with threats to the Samizdat. Arryn believes that maintaining this equilibrium is essential for the survival and success of the syndicate.   Adaptability and Flexibility: Arryn's moral philosophy incorporates adaptability and flexibility. In the ever-changing landscape of Swordbreak, he recognizes the need to adjust his moral compass to navigate the complexities of power, loyalty, and survival.   Utilitarianism in Leadership: As a leader, Arryn often adopts utilitarian principles. He makes decisions based on the overall utility and benefit to the Samizdat, even if it means sacrificing certain individuals or making morally challenging choices for the greater good of the syndicate.   Questioning Authority and Systems: His early experiences with poverty and disenfranchisement have instilled in Arryn a skepticism towards authority and established systems. He questions the morality of a world that perpetuates inequality and is willing to challenge these systems through the actions of the Samizdat.


Betrayal and Treason: The gravest taboo within the Samizdat is betrayal or treason. Those who betray the trust of the syndicate, whether through collaboration with authorities or internal sabotage, face severe consequences. This taboo is enforced to maintain the cohesion and security of the organization.   Endangering the Family: Putting the safety of the Samizdat's members at risk is considered a taboo. Actions that directly endanger the lives or well-being of those within the syndicate are met with swift and decisive punishment. The Samizdat operates on the principle that the family's safety is paramount.   Reckless Exposure of Operations: Recklessly exposing the Samizdat's operations or compromising its secrecy is another taboo. Whether through careless communication, unnecessary risks, or disregard for operational security, such actions are strongly discouraged to avoid unwanted attention and consequences.   Exploitation of the Disenfranchised: While the Samizdat engages in criminal activities, there is a taboo against exploiting the very disenfranchised individuals they aim to help. Any actions perceived as preying upon the vulnerable, rather than aiding them, are frowned upon and can lead to internal disputes and disciplinary measures.   Violence Against Fellow Members Without Just Cause: Physical harm or violence against fellow members of the Samizdat without just cause is considered taboo. While conflict and disagreements may arise, gratuitous violence within the syndicate undermines the sense of family and loyalty that Arryn seeks to foster.   Disrespect for the Anonymity of Members: Maintaining the anonymity of Samizdat members is crucial for their safety and the success of operations. Disrespecting this anonymity, whether through intentional disclosure or negligence, is considered a serious taboo. Members value their anonymity as a protective measure against external threats.   Undermining the Charitable Initiatives: The charitable initiatives orchestrated by Arryn to help the disenfranchised carry a sense of moral purpose within the Samizdat. Deliberate actions undermining or exploiting these initiatives for personal gain are considered taboo, as they compromise the credibility of the syndicate's public image.   Insufficient Loyalty During Crisis: In times of crisis or external threat, displaying insufficient loyalty to the Samizdat and its leadership is considered taboo. Loyalty is a core value, and any perceived lack of commitment during critical moments can lead to questions about an individual's place within the organization.

Personality Characteristics


Rebellion Against Oppression: Growing up in poverty and witnessing the harsh realities of the Xopis Empire's oppressive rule, Arryn harbors a strong resentment toward the system. His motivation is rooted in a rebellion against the inequality, corruption, and mistreatment prevalent within the empire.   Protection of the Disenfranchised: Arryn is motivated by a genuine concern for the welfare of those living on the fringes of society. His experiences in the lower districts of Swordbreak fuel a commitment to protecting the disenfranchised and providing them with a means to survive and thrive.   Creation of a Parallel Society: The formation of the Samizdat represents Arryn's aspiration to create a parallel society that operates outside the oppressive norms of the Xopis Empire. His motivation is to establish a community where loyalty, resourcefulness, and mutual support define the relationships among the members.   Challenge to the Status Quo: Arryn is motivated by a desire to challenge the status quo and disrupt the established power structures. The Samizdat, under his leadership, becomes a symbol of resistance against the empire's authority, seeking to carve out a space where individuals can live by their own rules.   Legacy and Survival: Motivated by a sense of legacy, Arryn envisions the Samizdat as an enduring force that outlives the challenges it faces. His motivation is to establish a lasting legacy that transcends his individual leadership, ensuring the survival of the syndicate and its ideals.   Complex Moral Redemption: Arryn's motivations are also influenced by a complex sense of moral redemption. While engaged in criminal activities, he seeks to balance these actions with charitable initiatives, striving to redeem himself and the Samizdat in the eyes of both its members and the broader community.   Personal Empowerment and Control: Motivated by a desire for personal empowerment, Arryn sees the leadership of the Samizdat as a means to exert control over his own destiny and the destiny of those who align with the syndicate. His motivation is rooted in the pursuit of autonomy and influence within Swordbreak.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Savvies: Strategic Thinking: Arryn excels in strategic thinking, whether it's planning heists, navigating complex alliances, or leading the Samizdat. His ability to formulate and execute long-term plans contributes to the syndicate's success.   Charismatic Leadership: Arryn possesses a natural charisma that enables him to lead and inspire others. His leadership style fosters loyalty within the Samizdat and allows him to navigate the intricate social dynamics of Swordbreak.   Information Management: Managing information is one of Arryn's strengths. He has developed a sophisticated network of informants and utilizes advanced surveillance techniques to stay well-informed, giving the Samizdat a significant advantage.   Negotiation and Diplomacy: Arryn's diplomatic skills are notable. Whether negotiating with rival syndicates or forming alliances, he can navigate delicate situations, often securing favorable outcomes for the Samizdat.   Adaptability: Arryn demonstrates adaptability in the face of challenges. His ability to adjust to changing circumstances, think on his feet, and find creative solutions contributes to the Samizdat's resilience.   Ineptitudes:   Physical Combat Limitations: While Arryn has combat proficiency, he may not excel in prolonged physical confrontations. His strength lies more in strategic planning and leading from the shadows.   Over-Reliance on Secrecy: Arryn's emphasis on secrecy and anonymity, while crucial for the Samizdat's survival, can sometimes lead to challenges in establishing open relationships or gaining broader public support.   Moral Ambiguity Struggles: Balancing the criminal activities of the Samizdat with its charitable initiatives creates internal conflict for Arryn. This moral ambiguity can lead to moments of self-doubt and difficulty in maintaining a clear ethical stance.   Limited Trust in Outsiders: Due to past betrayals, Arryn may struggle with placing trust in individuals outside the Samizdat. This inherent skepticism can sometimes hinder potential alliances or partnerships.   Emotional Attachments: Emotional attachments, particularly to those within the Samizdat, may cloud Arryn's judgment in certain situations. His loyalty to the syndicate and its members can be both a strength and a vulnerability.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Fine Ales and Spirits: Arryn enjoys the taste of well-crafted ales and spirits. In moments of relaxation, he appreciates the subtle flavors and craftsmanship behind quality beverages.   Quiet Nights by the Fire: Despite the tumultuous nature of his life, Arryn finds solace in quiet nights spent by a crackling fire. It allows him moments of reflection and a temporary escape from the complexities of leading the Samizdat.   Antique Books: Arryn has a fondness for antique books, especially those with historical or philosophical significance. He values the wisdom contained within the pages and collects them as a personal indulgence.   Hidden Gardens: The discovery of hidden gardens within the city, where nature manages to thrive amidst the urban chaos, brings Arryn a sense of peace. He appreciates the beauty of these secret oases.   Intricate Lock Mechanisms: Arryn has an affinity for intricate lock mechanisms and enjoys the challenge of picking them. It serves as a reminder of his roots as a thief and provides a satisfying mental exercise.   Dislikes:   Excessive Noise: Arryn dislikes excessive noise, preferring the quietude of the night. The constant chaos and clamor of the city can be grating to his senses.   Overt Betrayals: Given his history, Arryn has a deep aversion to overt betrayals. Discovering disloyalty within the Samizdat or facing betrayal from trusted allies strikes a personal chord.   Unjust Authority: Arryn harbors a strong dislike for unjust authority and oppressive systems. The arrogance of those in power without regard for the well-being of the people elicits his disdain.   Overly Extravagant Displays: Arryn dislikes overly extravagant displays of wealth and opulence. He values subtlety and practicality, finding ostentatious shows of affluence distasteful.   Indiscriminate Violence: While proficient in combat when necessary, Arryn dislikes indiscriminate violence. He prefers strategic and purposeful actions over reckless aggression.

Virtues & Personality perks

Compassion: Arryn's compassion is a defining virtue. Despite his role in the criminal underworld, he genuinely cares for the well-being of the disenfranchised and works to alleviate their suffering through the Samizdat's charitable initiatives.   Loyalty: Loyalty is a cornerstone virtue for Arryn. He fosters a sense of family within the Samizdat, and his unwavering commitment to the syndicate and its members strengthens the bonds of trust.   Resourcefulness: Arryn's resourcefulness is a key virtue. He can adapt to challenging situations, find creative solutions to problems, and make the most of limited resources, contributing to the Samizdat's resilience.   Courage: Courage is evident in Arryn's willingness to challenge the oppressive systems of the Xopis Empire. He faces risks head-on, both in the criminal activities of the Samizdat and in his quest for societal change.   Strategic Vision: Arryn's strategic vision is a virtue that allows him to plan for the long term. He sees beyond immediate challenges, envisions the future of the Samizdat, and navigates the complex landscape of Swordbreak with foresight.

Vices & Personality flaws

Moral Ambiguity: Arryn grapples with moral ambiguity, walking a fine line between criminal activities and charitable initiatives. This internal conflict can lead to moments of self-doubt and existential questioning.   Reluctance to Trust: Due to past betrayals, Arryn struggles with a reluctance to trust outsiders fully. This inherent skepticism, while a defense mechanism, can hinder potential alliances and partnerships.   Emotional Attachments: Emotional attachments, particularly to those within the Samizdat, can be a vice for Arryn. His deep loyalty to the syndicate and its members may cloud his judgment in certain situations.   Secrecy at the Cost of Openness: Arryn's emphasis on secrecy and anonymity, while essential for the Samizdat's survival, can sometimes hinder the establishment of open relationships or gaining broader public support.   Complicated Personal Morality: The complicated nature of Arryn's personal morality, attempting to balance criminal actions with charitable endeavors, creates internal conflict. This moral complexity can be viewed as a vice by those who value clear ethical boundaries.

Personality Quirks

Tics: Finger Tapping: Arryn has a subtle habit of tapping his fingers rhythmically when deep in thought or contemplation. This tic often surfaces during strategic planning or when faced with complex decisions.   Adjusting Gloves: He tends to unconsciously adjust the well-worn leather gloves he often wears. This action is both a tactile comfort and a habitual gesture, reflecting Arryn's attention to detail.   Subtle Head Nodding: In conversations or meetings, Arryn may display a subtle head nodding tic. This non-verbal cue signifies agreement or acknowledgment and is an ingrained part of his communication style.   Quirks:   Wry Smiles: Arryn is known for offering wry smiles during moments of tension or when making decisions that others may find morally ambiguous. This quirk adds an enigmatic quality to his demeanor.   Reading Glasses: While not always necessary, Arryn occasionally wears reading glasses when reviewing documents or maps. It's a quirk that he adopted for practicality but has become a distinctive part of his appearance.   Occasional Whistling: In moments of relaxation, Arryn may engage in occasional whistling. This quirk contrasts with the seriousness of his role, providing a glimpse into a lighter side that emerges during more casual settings.   Tilting Head When Listening: When actively listening to others, Arryn has a quirk of subtly tilting his head. This gesture conveys attentiveness and indicates his focus on understanding the nuances of the conversation.   Tracing Patterns on Surfaces: Arryn has a quirk of absentmindedly tracing patterns on surfaces with his fingertips. This may occur during moments of reflection or when lost in thought, revealing a contemplative aspect of his character.


Regular Bathing: Arryn ensures regular bathing, keeping himself clean and refreshed. This practice is not only a matter of personal comfort but also contributes to maintaining a certain level of respectability within Swordbreak.   Neat Facial Hair: His beard is well-maintained and neatly groomed. Arryn takes care to keep it trimmed and shaped, adding a touch of sophistication to his overall appearance.   Clean Clothing: Despite the clandestine nature of his activities, Arryn wears clean and well-kept clothing. He understands the importance of maintaining a certain level of professionalism, even in the shadows.   Subtle Fragrance: Arryn may use subtle fragrances or colognes to add a touch of refinement. However, he chooses scents that are not overpowering, allowing him to blend seamlessly into various social environments.   Maintained Hair: Arryn ensures that his dark brown hair is well-maintained. Whether through regular trims or meticulous styling, he presents a polished appearance consistent with his role as the leader of the Samizdat.   Careful Grooming of Hands: As someone who occasionally adjusts well-worn leather gloves, Arryn pays attention to the grooming of his hands. Clean and well-kept hands contribute to an overall sense of meticulousness.   Personal Care Items: Arryn carries personal care items, such as a small grooming kit, to address hygiene needs discreetly. This allows him to maintain his appearance even during moments of covert operations.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Year of Birth
165 PS 40 Years old
green eyes
dark brown, neatly kept, shoulder length, few strands of premature silver
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
rugged, sunburned, white skin
lean, wiry build
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the shadows, we find our strength. In unity, we find our power." "Survival is an art, and we are the artists." "Loyalty is the currency of our family, and trust is the foundation of our strength." "To break chains, you must first become unbreakable." "Power is not in the throne, but in the hands of those who dare to seize it."
Aligned Organization

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Cover image: Ghost of the Net by


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