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The Samizdat exists within any sufficiently large city within The Xopis Empire as any empire that does not help it's people is sure to turn them to crime.They formed around 150 years ago, when it came clear that the new world had no patience or care for those who couldn't provide it with money. To begin with they were a small thieves guild. ransacking offices and transport, until a member of the government found them and made their way into the ranks. They were originally treated with distrust, until jobs began appearing in offices around town, then in government buildings, then in the palace. Arryn Greenhill , behind locked doors made their way up the ranks to become Cosa, or the leader of the syndicate. Each city has their own boss that loosely reports back tot the cosa with pay and information, but the Samizdat do not meddle in the lesser affairs, unless they have word of a traitor, then it isn't long before that traitor is found a criminal and either sentenced to a hanging or sent to The Ethereal Summit to mine. But in recent years these "traitor" reports and hangings have become more and more frequent.


The Samizdat operates under a hierarchical structure with the Cosa at the apex, overseeing the entire syndicate. Below the Cosa are regional bosses, each managing the operations in a specific city within The Xopis Empire . These regional bosses have a degree of autonomy but report back to the Cosa, providing updates on activities, pay, and any crucial information. Within each city, there are various cells and operatives responsible for carrying out the Samizdat's activities, which range from theft and espionage to more clandestine operations. The syndicate values discretion and compartmentalization, minimizing direct connections between operatives to protect against potential leaks and betrayals.   The information network is crucial, and communication between the Cosa and regional bosses often occurs through coded messages, making it difficult for outsiders to decipher their plans. The organization thrives on adaptability, with each city tailoring its operations to the unique challenges and opportunities presented by its environment.


Secrecy and Anonymity: Members of the Samizdat embrace a culture of anonymity. The organization values the idea that no single member is above the cause, and operatives often operate under pseudonyms or code names. The true identities of the founding members are lost to history, and this tradition of secrecy persists through the ranks.   Meritocracy: Despite their illegal activities, the Samizdat operates on a meritocratic principle. Those who prove their skills, loyalty, and ability to contribute effectively rise through the ranks. It doesn't matter where you come from; what matters is what you bring to the table.   Adaptability: The Samizdat understands the importance of adaptability in a changing world. They constantly evolve their methods and strategies to stay one step ahead of authorities and rivals. Flexibility and the ability to think on one's feet are highly valued traits.


Information Network: The Samizdat boasts an extensive and well-established information network. Operatives and informants positioned strategically throughout cities provide valuable intelligence on political developments, economic opportunities, and potential threats. This network is a key asset for staying ahead of rivals and authorities.   Safe Houses and Hideouts: The syndicate maintains a network of safe houses and secret hideouts in various locations. These serve as secure bases for planning and executing operations, as well as providing refuge for members in times of crisis.   Influence in Key Institutions: Over the years, the Samizdat has infiltrated key institutions within The Xopis Empire . This includes positions in government offices, commerce, and even the palace. This influence allows them to manipulate events from within, gaining an upper hand in their clandestine activities.   Skilled Operatives: The Samizdat recruits and trains individuals with diverse skills, from master thieves and spies to skilled diplomats and saboteurs. This pool of talented operatives ensures the syndicate can handle a wide range of tasks efficiently.   Black Market Connections: The syndicate has established strong ties to the black market. These connections provide access to illegal goods, specialized services, and a means to dispose of stolen items without drawing undue attention.   Cryptic Communication Channels: The Samizdat employs encrypted communication channels and codes to ensure secure and discreet exchanges of information between members. This allows them to coordinate activities without exposing themselves to interception by rivals or authorities.   Financial Resources: Through their illegal activities, the Samizdat has amassed a considerable fortune. This wealth is strategically invested in both legal and illegal enterprises, ensuring a steady stream of income to fund their operations and maintain their influence.   Alliances and Partnerships: The syndicate forms alliances and partnerships with other organizations when it serves their interests. These collaborations can range from temporary arrangements for mutual benefit to long-term strategic alliances.


Foundation: Founded 55 PS, the Samizdat emerged as a response to a world that showed little care for those without wealth or power. Initially, they operated as a small thieves guild, targeting offices and transport to survive in a society that had little patience for the disenfranchised.   Infiltration and Rise to Power: The turning point came when Arryn Greenhill, a member of the government, infiltrated the Samizdat. Initially met with distrust, Arryn's covert influence led to jobs appearing in offices, government buildings, and even the palace. This marked the beginning of the syndicate's ascent. Arryn, now known as Cosa, became the leader of the Samizdat.   Decentralized Structure: The Samizdat adopted a decentralized structure with regional bosses managing operations in specific cities. These bosses loosely reported to the Cosa, providing pay and information. The syndicate refrained from meddling in lesser affairs unless a traitor was identified, leading to swift and often severe consequences.   Cultural Development: Over the years, the Samizdat developed a distinct culture characterized by secrecy and a sense of rebellion against the oppressive empire. Anonymity became a core value, and meritocracy ensured that individuals rose through the ranks based on their skills and loyalty.   Increasing Frequency of "Traitor" Reports: In recent years, the frequency of traitor reports and subsequent hangings or exile to The Ethereal Summit has increased. This shift suggests internal tensions or external pressures that challenge the syndicate's stability. The reasons behind this surge in traitor accusations could be a pivotal aspect of the Samizdat's current narrative.
Founding Date
55 PS
Illicit, Syndicate
Leader Title
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