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Elmor is divided by a river and is known for its lumber and forestry. An iron-willed ruler Dee Shadowquick demands respect from the populace. The races live together mostly in harmony.


Halfling (34%), Human (33%), Elf (26%), Gnome (2%), Half-Elf (1%), Half-Orc (1%), Dragonborn (1%), Tiefling (1%), Tabaxi (1%), Dwarf (1%)


The policing presence in Elmor is a militia; most of the guards of The Rabid Possums are part time, and there is little need for the use of force. Citizens act with honesty, and have no need for 24/7 guards. Law in Elmor is reform-based, and those that breach the laws can expect incarceration, fines, asylums, or work-release programs to provide them with the chance to not become a recidivist. The death penalty is reserved only for traitors to the state. Magic is reserved only for those with a license, which is a relatively simple form to fill out, stating what type of magic you wish to practice, your contact details, a non-refundable bond to cover public liability, and whether it's for commercial or personal use.


walled but unnecessary

Industry & Trade

Caveat emptor is the guiding philosophy of Elmor, and people live a modest existence because of it. Without any taxes or regulations, the free market reigns supreme here. Welfare is good, all things considered. Citizens can expect death services, and other services such as healthcare and education, provided they are able to pay for it.


The Town Square The Markets The Delectable Tart The Veil Killer Heels The Elmor Piazza The Flowering Bandit and the Tome The Dragon's Muffin The Silent Hamlet Sole Provider


Wealth: 1,230 gp. Max value for sale: 41 gp. Max pawn value: 215 gp

Guilds and Factions

The Rabid Possums The Brotherhood of Touched Artists The Elmor Forest
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