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Swordbreak Branch

Leadership: The Swordbreak branch of the samizdat operates under the cunning and corrupt leadership of Cassian, a triton who reports directly to the Cosa, Arryn Greenhill. Cassian presents a façade of loyalty to the organization's ideals, concealing his exploitative practices from the higher echelons of the Samizdat. His right-hand operatives, including enforcers and drug distributors, play key roles in maintaining the façade and enforcing his rule over the branch.   Drug Trade: Cassian controls the local drug trade within Swordbreak, using it as a means of both profit and control. The branch produces and distributes various illicit substances, including the highly addictive Shadowshade Powder and other concoctions. The drugs are often given to recruits to maintain compliance, and excess profits contribute to the financial success of the corrupt branch.   Augmentation Operations: Expanding their illicit activities, the Swordbreak samizdat branch involves itself in the black-market trade of magitech augmentations. Using their connections, they acquire and install enhancements on individuals. These augmentations serve as additional tools of control, ensuring loyalty through dependency on the branch's services.   Security Measures: The Swordbreak branch employs a network of informants, spies, and magical wards to protect its operations. Cassian ensures that any dissent or potential betrayal is swiftly dealt with, maintaining a tight grip on power within the organization. The branch's security measures extend to the concealment of their illicit activities from both external authorities and internal Samizdat oversight.   The Swordbreak Samizdat branch operates in the shadows, exploiting the very principles it claims to champion. While Cassian's façade remains intact, the corrupt underbelly of the organization poses a threat not only to those within its grasp but also to the reputation of the samizdat as a whole.


The Swordbreak branch of the Samizdat operates with a hierarchical structure, led by Cassian. Below him are various lieutenants and enforcers who oversee different aspects of the criminal operations, such as drug trafficking, coercion, and street-level activities. The organization maintains a strict chain of command to ensure order and control within its illicit activities.  



Cassian, the Puppet Master:

  The enigmatic and manipulative triton, Cassian, serves as the leader of the Swordbreak branch. He presents a facade of a charismatic and caring figure to the community, all while secretly orchestrating criminal activities. Cassian's leadership is marked by corruption, coercion, and a thirst for power.

Key Lieutenants:

  Cassian surrounds himself with a small circle of loyal lieutenants who oversee various aspects of the branch's operations, including recruitment, augmentation, and drug distribution. These lieutenants act as enforcers and intermediaries, ensuring Cassian's orders are carried out without question.  
1. Serena "Silvershade" Malachi:
  A cunning and charismatic triton, Serena oversees the day-to-day operations of the Swordbreak branch. Known for her silver-scaled armor and graceful combat style, she navigates the delicate balance between Cassian's orders and maintaining the loyalty of the branch's members. Serena's silver tongue and strategic mind make her a formidable lieutenant.
2. Darius "Bloodhound" Kellis:
  Darius is a skilled tracker and enforcer within the Swordbreak branch. Nicknamed "Bloodhound" for his ability to locate and apprehend targets, he is a human with a mysterious past. Darius is known for his unyielding determination and proficiency in close-quarters combat. His loyalty to Cassian is unwavering, and he is often tasked with critical assignments.



Roles and Responsibilities:

  1. Intimidation and Enforcement:   Enforcers within the Swordbreak branch play a crucial role in maintaining control and instilling fear among the populace. They are tasked with enforcing the will of Cassian and the Samizdat, ensuring compliance through intimidation, physical force, and coercion.
2. Surveillance and Reconnaissance:   Enforcers are trained to gather information through surveillance and reconnaissance. Whether monitoring rival factions, tracking potential threats, or keeping an eye on the branch's own members, they play a vital role in maintaining situational awareness.
3. Conflict Resolution:   In situations where disputes arise within the criminal underworld or conflicts escalate, enforcers step in to resolve matters swiftly. This may involve negotiating deals, settling disputes, or, when necessary, using force to eliminate threats to the branch's interests.
4. Protection of Assets:   Enforcers are responsible for safeguarding the branch's assets, including drug supplies, augmentations, and other illicit goods. This involves patrolling key locations, securing warehouses, and defending against rival factions or law enforcement.
5. Recruitment and Initiation:   Enforcers are involved in the recruitment process, identifying potential candidates for the Samizdat and the Swordbreak branch. They play a role in the initiation of new members, ensuring loyalty to Cassian and the organization's objectives.
6. Execution of Cassian's Orders:   Enforcers act as the direct agents of Cassian, executing his orders without question. This may involve carrying out acts of violence, retrieving debts, or eliminating individuals deemed threats to the stability of the Swordbreak branch.
7. Maintenance of Discipline:   Discipline is paramount within the organization, and enforcers are responsible for upholding it. They ensure that members follow the rules, meet their quotas, and remain loyal to Cassian's leadership. Infractions are met with swift and decisive action.
8. Covert Operations:   Enforcers may engage in covert operations, such as infiltrating rival organizations, gathering intelligence, or eliminating key targets discreetly. Their ability to operate in the shadows is essential to the branch's success in the criminal underworld.  
Maerwind "Whisperblade" Voss:
  Maerwind is a shadowy figure among the enforcers, specializing in stealth and infiltration. Known as "Whisperblade," she navigates the dark alleys of Swordbreak with uncanny silence. Maerwind's preferred method of enforcement is subduing targets without a sound, leaving a trail of unconscious adversaries in her wake.
Malik "Ironfist" Draven:
  Malik is a towering triton with a penchant for hand-to-hand combat. As "Ironfist," he serves as an enforcer specializing in physical confrontations. Malik's strength and resilience make him a formidable presence, often intimidating those who cross paths with him. His loyalty to the branch is matched only by his dedication to Cassian.



Roles and Responsibilities:

  1. Distribution of Illicit Substances:   Dealers are primarily responsible for the distribution of drugs and other illicit substances controlled by the Swordbreak branch. They establish networks and routes for the efficient flow of goods to various clients and locations within the city.
2. Territory Management:   Dealers operate within assigned territories, managing the distribution and sale of illicit substances in their designated areas. They establish and maintain relationships with local establishments and individuals who can facilitate the trade.
3. Customer Relations:   Building and maintaining relationships with customers is a key aspect of a dealer's role. They ensure a steady clientele, manage repeat business, and address any concerns or disputes that may arise during transactions.
4. Recruitment of Street-Level Dealers:   Dealers are involved in the recruitment and management of street-level dealers who operate on the ground. They identify individuals with potential, assess their loyalty, and train them in the nuances of the trade.
5. Price Negotiation and Quota Management:   Dealers negotiate prices with clients and customers, ensuring that the branch maximizes profits while remaining competitive in the illicit market. They also manage quotas for street-level dealers, ensuring that everyone contributes to the overall success of the branch.
6. Concealed Transportation:   Dealers are responsible for organizing and coordinating the transportation of illicit substances from hidden locations to street-level dealers or other distributors. This involves utilizing covert methods to avoid detection by law enforcement or rival factions.
7. Adaptation to Market Trends:   Staying informed about market trends and adapting to changes is crucial for dealers. They must be aware of shifts in demand, emerging substances, and the strategies employed by competitors to maintain a competitive edge in the illicit market.
8. Conflict Resolution at Street Level:   Street-level transactions can sometimes lead to conflicts or disputes. Dealers are trained to handle such situations diplomatically, avoiding unnecessary violence that could draw unwanted attention to the branch.
9. Intelligence Gathering:   Dealers play a role in gathering intelligence within their territories. They report on rival activities, law enforcement movements, and any potential threats or opportunities that may impact the Swordbreak branch.
10. Loyalty to Cassian:   Like all members of the Samizdat, dealers must remain loyal to Cassian's leadership. They execute his directives without question and contribute to the overall success and stability of the Swordbreak branch.  
Livia "Shadeweaver" Kane:
  Livia is a cunning elven dealer responsible for managing the distribution of illicit substances within Swordbreak. Nicknamed "Shadeweaver," she employs subtle manipulation and diplomacy to ensure a steady flow of income. Livia is well-connected in the city's underworld and uses her network to expand the branch's influence.
Kieran "Silvertongue" Vale:
  Kieran, a charming tiefling with a silver tongue, is a smooth-talking dealer who excels in negotiation and persuasion. Known as "Silvertongue," he navigates social circles effortlessly, ensuring that the branch's interests align with those in positions of power. Kieran's ability to manipulate others makes him a valuable asset to Cassian's machinations.


The Swordbreak branch of the Samizdat has a culture defined by secrecy, ruthlessness, and corruption. Operating in the shadows, members are expected to prioritize the interests of the organization above all else. Loyalty is highly valued, and betrayal is met with severe consequences. The culture fosters a sense of camaraderie among its members, albeit one built on fear and coercion. The corrupt nature of the branch allows for exploitation and manipulation of its lower-ranked members.


Front Businesses: The branch controls various front businesses, such as bars, clubs, or legitimate-looking enterprises, which provide cover for illegal operations. Safehouses: Hidden safehouses scattered throughout the city serve as meeting points, storage facilities, and secure locations for sensitive discussions.   Informants and Spies: The branch has cultivated a network of informants and spies within the city, gathering valuable intel on rival factions, law enforcement, and potential threats.   Augmentation Facilities: With ties to the magitech underworld, the branch has access to facilities for the augmentation of individuals to enhance their capabilities for criminal activities.   Drug Production and Distribution Networks: The Swordbreak branch controls the production and distribution of illicit and legal substances, ensuring a steady stream of income and control.   Protection Rackets: Extortion and protection rackets targeting businesses within the city contribute to the branch's financial strength.   Magitech Equipment: Access to magitech enhancements and modifications allows the branch to bolster the capabilities of its members and enforce its dominance.

Shadows Weave, Secrets Bind, Power in Silence.

Founding Date
126 PS
Illicit, Syndicate
Parent Organization

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  • 126 PS


    The Swordbreak branch of the Samizdat is established by its ambitious leader, Cassian.

  • 135 PS

    Expansion and Diversification

    The branch expands its influence, establishing connections with magitech criminals and augmenters. Cassian begins recruiting more aggressively.

  • 140 PS

    Drug Trade Inception
    Criminal Activity

    Recognizing the profitability of the drug trade, the Swordbreak branch starts its involvement in the production and distribution of illicit substances. It uses its front businesses to camouflage these operations.

  • 150 PS

    Power Struggle
    Criminal Activity

    Internal power struggles within the branch lead to a temporary weakening of its influence. Cassian consolidates power through strategic alliances and ruthless measures, eliminating dissenting voices.

  • 170 PS

    Continued Expansion
    Criminal Activity

    The Swordbreak branch continues to expand its criminal empire, influencing key aspects of the city's underworld. It solidifies its position as a force to be reckoned with, despite rumors of corruption circulating among rival factions.

  • 180 PS

    Failed Augmentation Attempts
    Life, Death

    The Swordbreak branch experiments with early magitech augmentation, resulting in a series of disastrous and often fatal failures. The experiments temporarily cease due to the high rate of casualties and exposure.

  • 185 PS

    Resumption of Augmentation Research
    Scientific achievement

    Advances in magitech technology and a better understanding of the augmentation process lead to the resumption of experiments. Cassian sees the potential for augmented enforcers within the criminal hierarchy.

  • 190 PS

    First Successful Augmentation
    Scientific achievement

    After years of trial and error, the Swordbreak branch achieves its first successful magitech augmentation. This marks a turning point in the branch's capabilities and its ability to enforce loyalty through both fear and enhanced physical prowess.

  • 195 PS

    Aether Connection
    Criminal Activity

    The branch establishes a connection with the Aether trade, realizing the potential of Aether to enhance its magitech operations and augmentations. This marks a shift towards more sophisticated and dangerous criminal activities.

  • 205 PS

    Present Day

    The Swordbreak branch remains a formidable criminal entity, maintaining a delicate balance between its criminal enterprises and the facade of a community organization. Cassian, with his ruthless methods, continues to lead the branch while keeping the true extent of its corruption hidden from higher authorities within the Samizdat. The successful integration of magitech augmentations contributes significantly to the branch's power and influence.

This article has no secrets.


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