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DONLON - Capital

Arrival at Donlon

As your party crests the final hill on their journey, the sprawling city of Donlon unfolds before them, a magnificent blend of the mundane and the magical. The first sight that greets them is the gleaming spires of Shadowby Castle, perched regally atop a hill at the city's Northern border. The castle's towers reach skyward, their tips adorned with moon-painted purple pennants that flutter in the breeze, casting long shadows across the city as the sun begins to set.  


The cityscape is a tapestry of contrasting architecture: ancient stone buildings with ivy-clad walls, modern constructions made of enchanted glass that refract the sunlight into dazzling rainbows, and timber-framed houses with steeply pitched roofs. The Great Sea River winds through the heart of Donlon, its waters shimmering with a hint of magical luminescence. Along its banks, intricate bridges of stone and wrought iron span the water, connecting various districts.   The business district, raised up on a hill, is a cluster of grandiose buildings and bustling marketplaces, where merchants display their exotic wares. The Academy of Magic stands out with its towering, spiral-shaped structure, arcane symbols glowing faintly on its surface. The opera house is an architectural marvel, its facade adorned with statues of muses and gargoyles, while the great religious estate dedicated to the three goddesses rises in serene majesty, its stained glass windows depicting scenes of divine power and benevolence.  


The city buzzes with the sounds of activity: the clatter of horse-drawn carriages on cobblestone streets, the lively chatter of market-goers, the melodious calls of street vendors peddling their goods. From the gardens and parks, the rustle of leaves and the occasional trill of songbirds provide a soothing backdrop. The distant tolling of bells from the religious estate adds a rhythmic, almost meditative quality to the city's soundscape.  


As they draw nearer, the party is greeted by a symphony of scents. The fresh, slightly briny aroma of the Great Sea River mingles with the earthy fragrance of the parks and gardens. The air is perfumed with the floral notes of blooming flowers and the rich, spiced scents wafting from street food stalls. Occasionally, the sharp tang of metal and the acrid smoke from blacksmiths' forges in the business district punctuate the air.  


Should they choose to sample the local fare, the adventurers will find a wide variety of culinary delights. Street vendors offer everything from sweet, honey-drizzled pastries to savory meat pies spiced with exotic herbs. In the bustling marketplaces, they might encounter stalls selling fresh fruit, cheeses, and breads, as well as more magical treats like glowing candied fruits or potions with flavors that change with every sip.  


The textures of the city are as varied as its sights and sounds. The smooth, cool stone of the castle walls contrasts with the rough cobblestones underfoot. In the markets, they can feel the soft, luxurious fabrics of finely made clothing, the sturdy leather of well-crafted boots, and the smooth, polished surfaces of enchanted items. The gentle breeze that carries the scents of the city also brings a refreshing coolness, a welcome relief from the sun's warmth.  

First Impressions

As your party enters Donlon through one of its grand gates, they are immediately struck by the sheer scale and vibrancy of the city. The streets are alive with people from all walks of life: noblewomen in elegant gowns, merchants hawking their wares, scholars from the Academy deep in discussion, and children chasing each other through the alleys. Magic is woven seamlessly into daily life, with enchanted street lamps lighting up as dusk falls and magical creatures like pixies and faeries flitting about in the parks.


Shadowby Castle and Oldtown

Description: Shadowby Castle dominates the skyline of Oldtown, its dark, imposing silhouette a constant reminder of the power and mystique of the ruling family. The castle’s architecture is both grand and ominous, with turrets and battlements that seem to defy the laws of physics, thanks to subtle shadow magic. The Moon Spire, tallest tower of all, is said to be the location of powerful magic. Oldtown, the aristocratic district on the south side of the castle, is a labyrinth of cobbled streets lined with grand manors and elegant townhouses. The buildings are adorned with intricate wrought ironwork and stained glass windows depicting scenes of moonlit enchantments and shadowy figures. The manors of the greatest families have gates and sigils stating who's residence you are come upon.   Magical Elements:
Shadow Veils: Enchanted mist that cloaks the streets in daylight, providing privacy and a sense of mystery.
Moonlit Gardens: Gardens that bloom only under the moonlight, filled with luminous flowers that glow softly in the dark.
Whispering Statues: Statues that convey messages between noble families, whispering in voices only the intended recipients can hear.  

Pleasure District

Description: The Pleasure District is a vibrant, bustling area alive with color, sound, and excitement. The streets are lined with theaters, taverns, and shops selling everything from exotic spices to luxurious garments, but the favorite attraction of all is the Colosseum of Beauty atop a hill! A breathtaking amphitheater of art and culture, right next to the infamous Castle Stage (the Queen's favorite location for plays and operas). Performers and entertainers of all kinds fill the air with music and laughter, creating an atmosphere of perpetual festivity. This district is a sensory overload, with bright banners fluttering in the breeze and the scent of delicious street food wafting through the air.   Magical Elements:
Illusory Displays: Shopfronts and theaters use illusion magic to create dazzling, ever-changing displays to attract customers.
Enchanted Instruments: Street musicians play instruments that emit magical harmonies, enchanting listeners and sometimes even compelling them to dance.
Mood Lights: Street lamps that change color and intensity based on the collective mood of the district’s inhabitants.
Weather Domes: Protective magical domes that ensure perfect weather conditions for outdoor markets and gatherings.  

Business District

Description: The Business District, perched on Donlon's northern-most hill, is the economic heart of Donlon. It is home to Merchant-town, a bustling marketplace where traders from all over the kingdom come to buy and sell goods (as well as the elitist-run "Members-Town" within). The Tower of Trade, a needle-like structure made of enchanted stone, dominates the district's hill-top, housing the offices of the city’s most powerful merchants. The Hall of Diplomacy, an elegant building next to the Tower and supported by marble columns, is where treaties are signed and deals are made. This district is so tightly compacted, that all buildings are essentially connected to one another, and once entering the walls, the only outdoor spaces one can find is the view through windows, or trash alleys.   Magical Elements:
Trade Portals: Magical gateways that allow for instant transportation of goods from distant lands. Unfortunately humanoid-trials of these gates have proved... gruesomely dangerous.
Living Ledgers: Enchanted books and scrolls that automatically record and calculate transactions.

Divine District

Description: The Divine District is a place of serenity and contemplation, home to the kingdom’s most revered institutions of learning and worship. The Academy of Knowledge is a sprawling complex of libraries and lecture halls encircling a green campus run by the authoritarian clock tower, visible from all areas of the grounds, while the Fortress of the Arcane Guild stands as a testament to magical prowess- it's robustly made and defended tower-prison the largest spire in the city (excluding the royal castle, of course). The Divine Estate, with its towering temples, intricate cathedrals, and endless stained glass dedicated to the three goddesses, is the spiritual center of the city. Not only is it the largest separately-walled area of the city, but it is the only privately managed place in the kingdom- separated from the absolute jurisdiction of the Crown. The Healer’s Commune resides just between the Academy and Divine Estate, and is a peaceful enclave where the sick and injured are tended to with both medical skill and magical healing. Many students and acolytes serve here.   Magical Elements:
Floating Orbs: Gentle, glowing orbs that provide illumination and guidance, float above the paths and courtyards of The Divine Estate. There is nothing else like them in the realm, and it is generally believed that they are infused with the light of the Goddess of Illumination herself.
Healing Springs: Natural springs enchanted to have healing properties, frequented by those in need of physical or spiritual rejuvenation, can be found within the Divine Estate, and in the Healer's Commune.
Ethereal Choirs: Invisible choirs that sing hymns and chants, creating a constant atmosphere of reverence and tranquility, provide ambiance whilst within the Divine Walls.

Market District

Description: The Market District is a lively, chaotic area where commerce and justice intersect. The Royal Court of Law and the Court of Coin are imposing buildings where legal and financial matters are decided. Hero’s Square, a large plaza adorned with statues of the kingdom’s greatest heroes, is a popular gathering place. The Convent of Reformation is a stern, fortress-like building where societal offenders are reformed, and is run by nun-like mistresses who's greatest faith lies in the structure and order of respectable society. It is there that the School of Service also resides, separated from the Reforming students. The streets in this part of the city are lined with shops and stalls selling goods of all kinds, from everyday necessities to rare and magical items. Here, all classes can be found freely intermixing.   Magical Elements:
Enchanted Shop Signs: Signs that change to display current deals and promotions in animated script.
Truth Bells: Bells that ring when someone within earshot speaks a lie, used particularly around the Royal Court of Law.
Heroic Echoes: Statues in Hero’s Square that occasionally come to life to reenact the heroic deeds of the figures they represent.  

Village Districts

Description: The Village Districts consist of about eight outlying towns that reside just outside the city’s walls. Each village has its own unique character and charm, with quaint cottages, bustling markets, and community centers. The villagers live in harmony with nature, and many are involved in agriculture, crafts, or providing goods and services to the city.   Magical Elements:
Protective Wards: Magical barriers that protect the villages from harm and ensure good harvests.
Nature Spirits: Benevolent spirits that inhabit the fields and forests, aiding in the growth of crops and the wellbeing of livestock.
Mystic Wells: Wells that draw up water imbued with minor healing and invigorating properties, essential to village life.  

General City

Magical Elements:
Direction Posts: throughout the city (each district has at least one) there are tall posts with many street signs and arrows pointing every which way, posted in a small fountain. If you pay the fountain 1 cp, it will cause the direction/sign you need to follow to get where you're trying to go to glow. If you pay the fountain 1 sp, it will not only cause the direction you need to glow, but a glowing thread made of light will appear and lead you to the next Direction Post (or to your location, whichever is closer).


  • Sterling BANK, Donlon


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