Author Submission Guidelines in Reliquiae | World Anvil
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Author Submission Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in Reliquiae: An Ancestral Reclamations Universe!

Please read this entire article before submitting.

This is a very special publishing opportunity; unlike any you’ve seen before. What makes Reliquiae different is that all the books published here are set in a single cohesive universe. We are looking for authors to contribute stories to this universe. The idea is that we will have many authors--many voices--contributing books and series that continue to grow this universe. As long as all the books adhere to the events on the Reliquiae Master Timeline, the universe will stay cohesive. This sort of large-scale collaborative effort is the future of publishing.   The goal of Reliquiae: An Ancestral Reclamations Universe is threefold:
1. Honor the ancestors.
2. Create a safe place where authors, and other artists, can be fairly compensated for doing their work.
3. Provide an entertainment platform from which people can get to know the ancestors through books/stories, RPG campaigns, and exploring the Universe’s website.
  In order to publish with us, your work must adhere to the criteria of Reliquiae: An Ancestral Reclamations Universe. Specifically:
• The events of your book must agree with the events in the Reliquiae Master Timeline.
• The focus of your book must be on reclaiming ancestral ways, which includes healing ancestral wounds and receiving ancestral blessings. Read about Ancestral Wounds and Blessings .
• It should go without saying, but, in addition to fitting in with the universe, we expect well-written books with well-developed characters and exciting plot points.
  If you’re interested in writing a book that fits within this universe, please read this entire document before submitting, but for those who like an overview, here is the TL;DR:
• Decide where/when in the universe your book(s) will go. (See Reliquiae Master Timeline)
• Decide what the Ancestral Wounds and Blessings are that will be included in your book(s).
• Submit a synopsis, outline (including ancestral wounds and blessings), and first chapter. Visit

Step one: familiarize yourself with Reliquiae: An Ancestral Reclamations Universe.

The general premise of the universe:

We have forgotten the ways of the ancestors. The future depends on our remembering. Through the EPPEN STONES , the ancestors came to Jane and told her that humanity is on the brink of extinction. In order to save us all, the old ways must be reclaimed. Ancestral wounds need to be healed. Ancestral blessings need to be received. This is universe where it all unfolds. Witness Jane’s initial journey with the ancestors. Go deeper into each ancestral realm. See what happens in the future if our present-day choices go awry.

Learn Jane’s story, which is the anchor of this universe.


Brief description:

Jane Benitez is finally managing her anxiety and depression enough to be nearly finished with a doctorate in archeology. For the first time since she can remember, her life appears to be on track. And then the ancestors arrive.
Through a magical stone that Jane has accidentally unburied, four of her ancestral guides appear and teach her the work she needs to do to save herself and the future of humanity.
As she heals the ancestral wounds, Jane can no longer turn a blind eye to her own unhealthy coping methods. Without her vices to bring relief, Jane begins to unravel. Then, when she witnesses an ancestor in his own time causing great harm to others, Jane is unable to face it long enough to heal it.
Jane’s relationships and livelihood are on the brink of destruction. The future of all humanity hangs in the balance.
Will Jane find the strength to face her own demons as well as those of the past? Will she heal what needs to be healed in order to save the future? And can she do it all before the magical stone is stolen from her?
Find out as you travel to the realm of the ancestors with Jane. Your own consciousness will be expanded along the way. Reclaim the ancestors. They are waiting for you.



Step two: decide where/when in the universe your main characters will be set.

(Characters can move through time through the use of EPPEN STONES , but decide when the bulk of their lives take place.)

Now that you are familiar with Jane's story, choose when and where you'd like your main characters to live. The events of your story will become part of the Reliquiae Master Timeline

  • Present-day characters, like Jane from the anchor book, will be working with their own deceased ancestors—healing ancestral wounds and receiving ancestral blessings—in hopes of ensuring a better future for humanity. Present-day characters visit the past through EPPEN STONES in order to witness and heal ancestral wounds. They may also see possible futures that can result from their (poor) choices.

  • If your main characters are in the past, they will be experiencing a cultural turning point, a time when their traditional way(s) of living are challenged. Historical accuracy is a must. These characters may also project through time using EPPEN STONES .

  • If your main characters are in the future, they will be dealing with the ramifications of ancestral wounds not being properly healed. There can be more than one future scenario, but all should have a dystopian element. Characters from the future can also utilize EPPEN STONES , though there will be a noted shortage of these stones in the future. This is a source of conflict in and of itself, and some of the EPPEN STONES can fall into the wrong hands such as the different branches of the Whisperers Lineage .

Step three: decide what ancestral wounds will be healed and what ancestral blessings will be received.

See Ancestral Wounds and Blessings for ideas on how to include this element in your story.
One thing we want included as part of the ancestral blessings is the way the ancestors view life. Please do enough research to get a handle on the way they would have seen things. A helpful list of Resources for Authors is forthcoming.

Step four: Submit a brief synopsis, outline (including ancestral wounds and blessings) and first chapter.

Send to [email protected]

DOs & DON'Ts

DO consider expanding your idea into a series within this universe.
  DO feel free to write about existing characters in the universe. If you do, just be sure to adhere to the master timeline, as well as characterization in previous works.
  DO prioritize historical accuracy. We are interested in creating stories that agree with the historical/archeological record. We encourage you to research and recreate ancestral traditions, practices, rituals, etc. We are not interested in conspiracy theory versions of history nor an ‘Ancient Aliens’ view of the past. Please see our resources page for help with research.
  DO feel free to include magic in your stories. (But, didn’t you just say to prioritize historical accuracy? That’s right. These two ideas are actually not mutually exclusive.) We want to bring to life the ways of the ancestors. The ancestors across many cultures were practitioners of magic. In this way, myth and magic are very much a part of this universe. In addition, the Eppen stones are a common thread throughout the universe. Think of this as a sort of Magical Realism approach.
  DO be respectful of all cultures and ancestral ways. While we certainly encourage conflict within your stories, the overall message needs to include an acceptance of all mythologies as real and true.
  DON’T shy away from the dark side of things. This is a universe filled with human stories, and human stories can get mighty dark.


  What file types do you accept?
.docx or .pages

Do you accept submissions from authors outside US?
For sure! We’re interested in authors from all over the world.

Do you accept works that have been previously published?
It’s unlikely that previously published works would fit into the parameters of our universe.

What genre is Reliquiae: An Ancestral Reclamations Universe?
The overall genre of this universe is Visionary Fiction. Within that, however, are numerous subgenres, ranging from fantasy to magical realism to literary fiction to science fiction. We are open to all subgenres as long as the events in the story adhere to the MASTER TIMELINE and there is a focus on healing ancestral wounds and receiving ancestral blessings.

Do you have a word-count requirement for submissions?
Short answer: not really. We are mostly interested in book-length works ranging from about 40k-95k words, but are open to novellas and short stories that are appropriate to the universe.

What are your contract terms for authors?
20% royalties; author retains copyright ownership

Contact for questions?
[email protected]

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