
Calania, officially known as the Republic of Calania or the Kanic Republic, and formerly the Sultanate of Calania, is a republic in eastern Tuatha. Calania is bordered by Zemylia to the north, Fonterre to the west, Arduli to the southwest, and the Coravian Sea to the east. Its crest is the Shura Inauwita, the “Rising Sun”, an emblem of the ancient nation of Kania.


Beginning its life as a transitional puppet state under Ardulese rule during the “Thirty Year Sovereignization'', and then a short-lived sultanate, Calania is now a democratic republic after Sultan Rashad Zammun was overthrown in a coup by Nhedir Boni, who would become the first Chancellor of the Republic. Calania is a unitary, one-party, parliamentary state. Although political parties are not recognized officially, many politicians belong to unofficial parties regardless. Nobility is no longer officially recognized, but many of the old sultanate noble houses still control vast wealth and land.   During elections, each settlement in Calania elects a representative for every 5000 people living within its walls. Settlements that do not number at least 5000 in population are grouped with other small settlements into electoral regions, with each of these regions numbering at least 5000. After representatives have been chosen, the representatives elect a chancellor, the head of the Calanian state. The chancellor, along with the representatives, will then elect positions within the judicial, legislative, and executive branches of the government.   Chancellors are elected to serve a four-year term. Six months before the end of their fourth year, elections for the next chancellor begin again. One chancellor can serve a maximum of four terms before being required to retire. The chancellor is occasionally also referred to as the Chamberlain of the People, in reference to Nhedir Boni being the Royal Chamberlain to Sultan Rashad. The current chancellor is Chancellor Siden Dukho, who is in the final year of his second term.


There are three main architectural styles in Calania: the Pre-Conquest style, the Tyfilian-Kanic style, and the New Sovereignty style. Characteristic elements of Pre-Conquest architecture constructed before Tyfilion’s conquest of the region include horseshoe arches, interlacing arches, central courtyards, riad gardens, carved wood and stucco decorations, and decorative tile work. After the Tyfilian conquest, most buildings constructed had ornamentation using beaded motifs of orbs in the plaster or stone, smaller windows, pinnacles, and pointed arches. This became known as the Tyfilian-Kanic style. After the founding of the Kanic Republic, a new style, more based on traditional Kanic architecture, rose to prominence. This style, known as the New Sovereignty style, was typified by a return to the horseshoe arch, with the addition of polylobed and lambrequin arches, various decorative motifs, calligraphy worked into the building, and honeycomb carvings.   Dance is an extremely valued expression with Calanian culture. The traditional Kanic Raznarro dance is still widely practiced. Raznarro, which comes from the Kanic words for “Fire Dance”, is a religious dance performed since ancient times by the Kanes. Sharuhrazna, also known as the Way of the Sun Soul, is also practiced in Calania. Sharuhrazna is a martial arts style, disguised as a dance, that was developed by the Kanes during their time in slavery to the Tyfilians. The preeminent school of the style, Khastan Monastery, is located in Maturso. Among the youth and rural communities of Calania, Pashico, a quick, upbeat dance style is massively popular.   Calania boasts a sizable fashion industry, with most styles inspired by those in Pelavayan. Board games like chess and prakesh are widely played throughout the Republic. Though Calania boasts no widely popular native sport, sports like the Fontish Tratenila and Ardulese-style races are popular.   Calanian cuisine is famed for being delicious. Since a vast majority of its residents are Shamashite, Calanian cuisine follows the rules of Shurtoval, the practice in Shamashine that all food consumed must be grown in the light of the sun. Wheat is the primary staple crop of Calania, though some southern Calanians grow rice. Widely consumed meats in Calania include mutton, goat, and chicken, and widely consumed vegetables and fruits include tomatoes, peppers, olives, and dates. Food is usually seasoned with herbs and spices like mint, basil, or saffron. Seafood, salt, and garlic are also used in cooking, even though they break shurtoval. Calanians recompensed this through a religious ritual performed on the food called Afertysh, which makes them shurtoval. Traditional Shamashine encourages either moderation of alcohol or complete abstinence, so alcohol consumption in Calania is lower than in other nations. Among drinkers in Calania, the most popular drink of choice is wine imported from Fonterre.


Beginning at the turn of the last century, Calania has become a powerful mercantile republic. Exports native to Calania include incense and unique fibres from the Pinarro Shrublands, salt from the Khakhu region, and flowers from the Qazhara Prairie. Calania is also the port of entry for many goods coming into Tuatha from the other continents, and is the primary expert on religious knowledge relating to Shamashine.

Demography and Population

Those from Calania are known as “Calanian”. Humans make up a majority of the population in Calania, with major ethnic groups being Kanes, Pelavish, and Rathin. The largest racial minority groups in Calania are Tieflings and halflings. The most widely spoken languages are Common, Kanic, and Ardulese Infernal.


Most of Calania has a semi-arid climate, with select regions in the south of the country being a desert. The north of the country consists of the Qazhara Prairie. This region of grasslands is home to massive flower fields and a few sparse forests. The prairie is the home of Calania’s minor logging industry, based in Rhasha, and much of its agricultural production is located in the northeast of the prairie, near the town of Areitina. The Bosanca River, which Calania shares with nearby Jyrden, winds through the northwest. Lake Ilmatar, located in the west of Calania, is a massive lake, connected to the Coravian Sea via the Kanian Inlet. Lake Ilmatar contains the island of Teixeira, where the capital, Teixeira City, is located. Ports towns, such as Monabellat, Almarim, Tetuonarra, and Relilo, are dotted throughout the coasts of the inlet, offering rest and supplies for sailors heading to Teixeira. The Suhlehniel Plains are in eastern Calania, and is the region where Port Shaizinni and Gremerri, which is one of the largest cities in Calania and a massive trade port, are located. In the southeast of Calania is the Pinarro Shrubland, a shrubland affected by a pervasive magical effect that affects plants grown there. The region has been used for farming Calanian incense and spices since the Age of Arrival, and its largest settlement of Maturso has been used as an incense market for just as long. Starting in central Calania and trailing down to the south of the country is the Cilio Desert, a large hot desert. The Central Cilio Desert and the Southern Cilio Desert connect to each other via a stretch known as the Desert-tail, which the nearby town of Codhazarta takes its name from. Deiwrat, located between the Central Cilio Desert and the Suhlehniel Plains, is built upon the ruins of an Arcane Age town, and is often used as a supply stop for those entering the desert. At the southernmost tip of the Cilio Desert is Syram, a fortress town originally built by the Tyfilians. The Milas River separates the Cilio Desert from the Khakhu Valleys, a mountain range of closely grouped mesas. Located on the top of one of these mesas in the north is the city of Mystaleza, and north of the city is Miha Canyon. Milas River, Miha Canyon, and the Khakhu Valleys are home to Calania’s salt mining industry.


The Calanian military force is called the Brightscales, led by a High Marshal. The infantry, known as the White Blades, is led by a High General. Calania’s navy is known as the White Fleet, and is led by the High Admiral. The White Robes, Calania’s arcaneer force, is led by the High Archmage. All commanding positions are elected by the Chancellor, which the commander will retain until they retire, die, or are stripped of their titles. Calania has no unified militia organization; settlements create their own gendarmeries from their citizen force.


Since it originated as the ethnic faith of the Kanes post-Retreat, and since Calania is the home of many holy sites and relics of the faith, a vast majority of Calanians are Shamashites. After Shamashine, most religious folks follow the Urbnata Church or the Lunarion Church. The Court of Niran also has a significant base in Calania, though most followers try to keep their faith a secret, as some Kanes are wary of the practices of their once-oppressors.


Public education in Calania is available for children starting at age 8, and lasts for six years. However, schooling requires a small fee that not all may be able to pay, and schools are much less populous in the rural parts of the country. As a result of its youth as a nation and its use as an exploitative region when it was under Tyfilion, Calania has few universities. However, a few have come to prominence. In Teixeira City, Maveimeh University and the Sacred House of the Ruzam have become famous for their studies in the humanities and for Shamashite religious education, respectively. In Gremerri, the Elmandjra School of Business has also become known as one of the best mercantile-focused schools in Diaghal.


  • Map of Calania
Founding Date
1139 MT; made a republic in 1157 MT
Alternative Names
The Republic of Calania, Kanic Republic
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Official State Religion

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