
Gods are immortal beings believed to have existed before and created all mortal life. On Crith, four primary subdivisions of gods exist: Astrals, Divinities, Primordials, and Ascended. There are also gods who fit none of the categories. Apart from gods, there are also Lesser Idols, who are supernatural beings with godlike powers, but who are not considered to be true gods.  


  The Astrals are the first gods to have existed. They are believed to have spontaneously developed either on their own or after Uiloa had been wounded   Astrals of Diaghal include Uil, Soleil, Luna, Crith, Aolir, Ronam, Rodani, and Io.  


  The Divinities are the gods descended from Soleil and Luna, and are the gods most worshiped by the humanoid races.   Divinities of Diaghal include Corellon, Moradin, Shauril, Erathis, Torog, Melora, Selene, Ioun, Autumn, Avandra, Bascka, Ehlonna,Kord, Lolth, Lugha, Marduk, Nerull, Obad-hai, Spring, Summer, Torm, Winter, Venyo, Yondolla, and Zehir.  


  The Primordials are the gods descended from Crith and Aolir, and are the gods most worshiped by the monstrous races.   Primordials of Diaghal include Akadi, Arawai, Enki, Sirrion, Annam, Bralm, Khyber, Malar, Boccob, Eadro, Erek-Hus, Eshdir, Grankhul, Hruggek, Khurgorbaeyag, Merrshaulk, Nomog-Geaya, Persana, Sekolah, Semuanya, and Ubtao.  


  The Ascended are gods that were formally mortal before achieving apotheosis, either from a god gifting them a fraction of their divine essence or by receiving enough worshipers to attain godly status.   Ascended of Diaghal include Deep Duerra, Eilistraee, Gruumsh, Hadyanos, Kurtulmak, Laduguer, Luthic, Pelor, Viswamitra, Viri, and Zhalita.  


  There are various other gods that did not fit into any of the four standard categories for gods on Crith. Reasons for this might be that the god came from another world, the god was a creation of another god, the god was spontaneously created from the material of another god, or the exact divine classification of the god was muddled by history.   Other gods of Diaghal include Anubis, Asmodeus, Bahamut, Bast, Demogorgon, Garl, Grolantor, Gwynna, Hathor, Horus, Memnor, Orsil, Skadi, Skoraeus, Stronmaus, Surtur, Tharizdun, Thrym, Tiamat, and Vaprak.
Scientific Name

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