
The Vaistorians are a historical human ethnicity and a modern ethnolinguistic supergroup. Vaistorians were recognized as having fair skin and light hair. Modern ethnicities recognized as being descended from Vaistorians include the Olcarish, Gwerish, and Lyudians, and modern ethnicities recognized as being partially descended from the Vaistorians include the Rathin and Ulfknapa.   Vaistorians inhabited modern day Olcaris and northwestern Tuatha. They were theorized to have moved from Nimadu to modern day Olcaris during the early Age of Arrival, then moved down through northwestern Tuatha, with modern day Tylwythir being their furthest extent. The political system of the Vaistorians is unknown; the three most popular theories being a Vaistorian alliance of kingdoms, a Vaistorian empire, and Vaistorian cultures having no relation, other than heritage, with each other.