
Io, also known as Asgorath, and known by the title The Concordant Dragon, was the deity of primal creation and dragons. They are believed to have existed in the Before-Time, possibly arriving from another universe. Some dragons even claim that Io was the creator of Uil.   Io spawned the first dragons - the first male dragons were spawned from their shed scales, and the first female dragons were spawned from their lain eggs. These dragons had all the majesty of their descendants, but were far less intelligent.   In 340 TE, Tharizdun was believed to have touched Io's mind, and driven Io insane. Io ravaged across Diaghal, until 337 TE, where they were split down the middle by Viswamitra's spear, Padevalla. From this, two new gods were created - Bahamut and Tiamat.  


Io was a massive, multicoloured dragon. They were easily as big as a mountain.  


Io loved creation in all its forms. They adored dragons, and would do anything to continue their existence in the world.  


See Creation Myth, The Death of Io, and Ostoria  


Asgorath was the name Io was worshiped under by dragons.

Divine Domains

Clerics of Aolir were usually of the Knowledge, Forge, Life, and Arcana domains.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Io's symbol is a multicoloured circle.


Io's holy day is Negezian, celebrated on Agoroth 15. It was a day of togetherness, and meditation on the philosophy that all of existence was connected.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Divine Classification
Year of Death
337 TE
Circumstances of Death
Split in two by Viswamitra

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