
Tharizdun, also known as Ralishaz, Malyk and Iuz, and known by the title of the Chained Oblivion, is the deity of madness, chaos, and entropy. It was the husband of Khyber, and possibly the father of Gwynna. It was also possibly the creator of Asmodeus and Demogorgon. It was unknown if it was a Divinity or a Primordial, but it was known that it was a Astral-descended god of law and rulership. Tharizdun was corrupted by the Far Realm during the Invasion Era. Tharizdun was the aberrations' primary weapon during the Invasion War, until the gods were able to banish it to The Chained Realm.    


While the appearance of Tharizdun's pre-Invasion War avatar has been lost to time, Tharizdun is usually portrayed as a swirling mass of energy and darkness.  


Tharizdun wished for nothing more than to one day reemerge in Crith and wrack chaos across the world. It is a cold, unfeeling god, who only wishes to drive all insane.  


See The Invasion War, The Invasion Era, The Blood War, Io, The First Death  


As Ralishaz, Tharizdun is worshiped as a deity of insanity. Historically, the epithet Iuz was used to worship Tharizdun's nobility aspect, but this is rarely, if ever, used in modern day. The drow worshiped "him" under the name of Malyk, and worshiped "him" as a god of chaos and wild magic.

Divine Domains

Clerics of Tharizdun were usually of the Death and Trickery domains.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tharizdun's symbol before its transformation has been lost, but cultists use a dark, jagged spiral to symbolize it.


Kroteg, on Agoroth 22, was Tharizdun's holiday, but it is rarely celebrated except by its cultists.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Unknown, formerly Male
Divine Classification
Other God
Chaotic Evil
Year of Birth
130000 TE 131365 Years old