Luna, also known as Setari and The Child, and known by the title of The Nightlady, is the goddess of the first moon, Luna. She is the partner of Soleil and mother to the firstborn Divinities. The month of Sessar is named after her.
Luna is depicted as pale skinned humanoid woman with long silver hair and wearing grey and blue robes. In the Luvera Orthodoxy, she is commonly depicted as a child.Personality
Luna is subdued and passive, yet caring. She is generous, peaceful, and very wise.History
See Creation Myth, Birth of the Wahkan, and Birth of the War GodsEpithets
Luna was known by a few epithets. As Setari, she was worshiped as a god of fertility and life, and she was known to followers of the Lunarion Church as The Child.Divine Domains
Clerics of Luna were usually of the Light or Life domain. Some clerics chose to exemplify her Knowledge aspect.
Divine Symbols & Sigils
Luna's symbol is a full moon.
Luna's holy day is Midwinter. On Midwinter, many people would celebrate with family and exchange gifts.
Mental characteristics
Gender Identity
Divine Classification
Year of Birth
5000000000 TE
5000001365 Years old