
Moradin, also known as Samman, Darahl, Geddin, and Dumathoin, and known by the title of the Soulforger, is the god of creation, craft, metallurgy, and bonds, and the creator of the dwarven race. He is the father of Lugha and Bascka, and the creator of Skadi. The month of Samaroth is named after them. He wields a hammer known as the Afamarr.  


Moradin is depicted as a dark skinned dwarf with a full beard and black hair peppered with grey. He has eyes that burn like coals in a forge.  


Moradin is a stern and focused god. He implores all of his followers to learn his crafts, and aspire to one day match his expertise.  


See The Firstborn, The Creation of the Gnomes, The First Mortal Races  


As Geddin, Moradin is worshiped as a god of war, and as Dumathoin, he is worshiped as a god of mining. In the Seldarine, he is worshiped as Darahl. To describe his bonds aspect, many dwarves worship him as Samman, which is the Dwarvish word that loosely translates to "shield-brother".

Divine Domains

Clerics of Moradin were usually of the Knowledge, Forge, and Order domains. Some clerics chose to exemplify his War aspect.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Moradin's symbol is a hammer or warhammer.


Moradin's holy day is Deremost, celebrated on the third Moralath of Samaroth. On Deremost, worshipers of Moradin would hold competitions of various types of craft, such as sculpting and metallurgy. It was also celebrated as a day of togetherness between friends and family.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Divine Classification
Lawful Good
Year of Birth
130000 TE 131365 Years old

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