
Bascka, also known as Olidammara and Alobal, and known by the title of The Laughing Rogue, is the god of alcohol, drugs, revelry, madness, and thieves. He is the son of Moradin and Corellon, and the twin brother of Lugha.


Bascka is portrayed as a half-naked man with tan skin and wild black hair. He has purple eyes and two long curving horns protruding from his head.


Above all, Bascka is a fickle god. He loves parties and revelry, but was known to be extremely dangerous to those who crossed him.


Bascka and his sister, Lugha, were born to Corellon and Moradin after their competition to create the first gnomes. He was thought to be born sometime during the Age of Arrival.   Bascka quickly became known as a friendly god who loved to party. He had the duty of tending to the crops of the Divinities. Then, one day, when he was travelling the world, his mind was attacked by a demonic force, which was believed to be Pale Night. Left in an insane state for a long time, he was finally cured by Ehlonna. When he came to, his personality had changed. He was about as friendly as he used to be, but he was a lot more unstable. When he was cured, Bascka went back to his duty of tending crops, when a strange idea came across him. He picked grapes, and crushed them with his feet. He then sealed the mixture in a barrel and let it sit. When he tasted it, the feeling that came across him was so visceral and unique that he offered the other gods to try it. Some disliked the taste and requested that it never be made again, while others loved it and asked for the process. Regardless of the gods' answers, he traveled across the material plane, teaching the process to all those who would listen.


Bascka was known to the elves as Alobal, and as Olidammara, he was worshiped as a god of thieves.

Divine Domains

Clerics of Bascka are usually of the Nature, Life, and Trickery domains.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Bascka's symbol was a horn.


Bascka's holy day is Kohlnog, on Larenair 6. On Kohlnog, many towns and cities held festivals celebrating alcohol, and had competitions for the best brewed beverages that year.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral