The Wusiph^djibundi

The Wusiph^djibundi, also known as the Wusiph^djibundi Tribes, are a confederation of multiracial tribes that inhabit the land of Chikelu. Its name means "duty-bound" in Chikelan. While not all groups in Chikelu are part of the Wusiph^djibundi, many are.  

Notable Tribes

There are a vast number of tribes connected to the Wusiph^djibundi. Below are a select few.  


The Vyksum are a tribe made up primarily of Chikelan humans. They inhabit the Vyksum Highveld. One of the most populous Wusiph^djibundi tribes, the Vyksum are famous for their forging of Vyksum Steel. They practice pastoralism and transhumance, staying in the city of Vanjitot*koyani in the summer to mine iron, and moving to the city of Barajoba in the winter to forge steel.  


The Awazjua are a tribe of a wide variety of different species. They inhabit Msal^thi Kye Bainala, primarily settling near the Man*gabijam River. They practice both nomadism and sedentarism. The Awazjua are well known for their medical knowledge, using the many plants and toxins taken from the jungle as ingredients in medicine. The two most spiritually and culturally important places to the Awazjua are Mtu Khubaba and Mtu Khubibi. Mtu Khubaba, which means "Grandfather Tree" in Chikelan, has the city of Nayea at its base, the largest Awazjua settlement in Chikelu. Mtu Khubibi, which means "Grandmother Tree" in Chikelan, was killed by the dragonborn of the Tavanuan Khaganate during the Chikelan Crisis, leading its nearby settlement, Ganwezi, to be nearly abandoned. Even today, many Awazjua still hold a grudge against the dragonborn for this.  


The Mginu are a tribe of Loxodon, and the largest culture group of their species on Tuatha. Mginu worship the deity Anhur, which many scholars believe to be an interpretation of Moradin. Mginu are sedentary, experts in stonemasonry, and are tasked with the upkeep of the sacred city of Godovamshiya I-Jiliwe.  


The Yrgiz^nai are a tribe of Gnolls. Famous for their death-worship and knucklebone divination, the Yrgiz^nai inoculate themselves against The Bloodlust through magical means during infancy. Yrgiz^nai are nomadic, travelling via Horizonback Tortoises, and are most typical in the Parched Veldt.  


The Maskilj are a tribe of Leonin, and the largest culture group of their species on Tuatha. They are primarily nomadic, but also hold the town of Rukujo in the Parched Veldt. From Rukujo, the Maskilj research and attempt to find methods of restoring the veld to its former ecosystem. The Maskilj practice Shamashine.  


The Akachipha are a tribe of Anua elves and the largest elven tribe of the Wusiph^djibundi. They inhabit the Nyekomvu Desert, and hold the eponymous Akachipha City.  


The Isichaka are a tribe of Ghada Hobgoblins. They are nomadic, and inhabit the Nyekomvu Desert.  


The Vijasha are a tribe of Bhuka Goblins. They are nomadic, wandering throughout the entirety of Chikelu.  


The Mdkhayifa are a tribe of Harengon. They inhabit the Ukando Outback and are nomadic.  


The Kuu^luxi are a tribe of Lizardfolk. They inhabit the area around Lake Kijuh in Msal^thi Kye Bainala, and primarily gather in the town of Tevirik.  


The Buicabuhala are a tribe of Araenasi. The tribe is the largest collective group of Araenasi, who are typically a solitary species. They are nomadic and wander throughout the entirety of Chikelu.


There is no direct leader over the Wusiph^djibundi. Instead, the chieftains of each tribe keep in contact with each other, either through messengers or magical means. A chieftain has the ability to call a Khninla, or Allthing, where all tribes put aside their differences to protect the land of Chikelu, as was given to them as their responsibility by the gods. In order for a Khninla to progress, a majority of the chieftains must agree to it. Then, the tribes will gather in the great city of Godovamshiya I-Jiliwe to discuss and debate the issue at hand.


Oral tradition dictates that the Wusiph^djibundi began when a god or gods, the identity of whom varies on the history, descended from above and tasked the tribes of Chikelu with protecting the land. Many scholars determine this event as happening sometime before The Shattering, likely during the Invasion Era or the Era of Restoration. Scholars also believe that the Wusiph^djibundi and the dynasty of Sara'Wahkan may once have been the same organization.


  • Map of Chikelu
Founding Date
Unknown, likely before the Shattering
Political, Confederation

Cover image: by vesner
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