Torog, also known as Skiggaret, Urdlen, and Ghaunaduar, and known by the title of The King That Crawls, is the god of slaughter, torture, imprisonment and fear. He is rarely actually worshiped, and more serves as a bogeyman of various cultures. In myth, he was imprisoned in the Underdark by Tharizdun after Khyber created it. Most people did not speak his name, preferring to refer to him by his title, as it was believed saying his name aloud would attract his attention.
The appearance of Torog varied based on the culture who feared him. To most people, he was depicted as a bald and pale man, covered in wounds and deformed, with legs so horribly broken he could only crawl. To the bugbears who knew him as Skiggaret, he was depicted as a bloated worm with a pale humanoid face, being pulled along with three, gaunt, extendable arms. To the gnomes who knew him as Urdlen, he was depicted as a monstrous furless mole with long, razor sharp claws. To the drow who knew him as Ghaunaduar, he was depicted as a massive blob of green slime.Personality
Torog is a malicious and unpredictable god. He takes joy in kidnapping mortals from the Underdark and keeping them imprisoned, relishing in their screams of pain and agony.History
See The First DeathEpithets
To the bugbears, Torog is known as Skiggaret. To gnomes, he is known as Urdlen, and to the drow, he is known as Ghaunaduar.Divine Domains
The few clerics of Torog were usually of the Death domain.
Divine Symbols & Sigils
Torog's divine symbol is shackles, usually bloody.
Mental characteristics
Gender Identity