
Tylwythir, officially known as the Commonwealth of Tylwythir and informally referred to as the Elvish Kingdoms, is a confederation of kingdoms in western Tuatha. It is made up of the historically Anwyn kingdoms of Hysenthir and Kogwynar, the historically Gwerish kingdoms of Shioralon, Bleatar, and Naniogra, and the historically Eladrin kingdom of Nysig. It is bordered by The Wildlands to the north, Zemylia to the east, Fonterre to the south, and the Akorlian Ocean to the west.


Tylwythir is divided into six independent kingdoms. Each kingdom is ruled by a king (which they are referred to regardless of gender), or ruiri in Elvish, served by their earls, or ri in Elvish. From among the ruling royal houses, one member is elected by at least four of the other kings to be High King (or ardri), which must also be approved by the current High King, should they be alive and fit to rule. In practice, however, the position of High King has become a sort of hereditary monarchy, as the last few kings have all been Anwyn elves belonging to House Iphellaran. The High King has limited political power over the other kings, and is primarily used as a way to settle disputes peacefully. The current High King is High King Quarion Iphellaran, also known as Quarion’ardri in Awnnish. He is 734 years old, and has not called an election for an heir, causing much concern.


Tylwythirian culture varies by kingdom, but have many similarities throughout the commonwealth. Architecture in Tylwythir is usually of an older style typified by round stone structures and thatched cottages, or a newer style of rounded arches and large spaces. Theatre is a well respected art form in Tylwythir, with the plays usually being adapted from historical events and legends, such as The Crowns, based on the events of the Golden Crown Wars, or Dyveri Part I and Part II, based on the oral and written history of Dyveri MacCor and the founding of Gweralon. Twlwythir also has a strong musical tradition, and countless folk songs performed by bards can trace their origins to the kingdoms. Tylwythir is famed for its card games, with games like Duwiaueg, the most popular game played with the Duwiau deck, a card suit that depicts the many gods of the Seldarine on them, and Arcanum, a somewhat recently-invented deckbuilding based card game. The primary sport played in Tylwythir is hurling. Being primarily Lynwir, Tylwythirian cuisine is mostly vegetarian, with root vegetables and wheat products, but common meats consumed include fish and mutton. Alcohol, primarily those of barley derivatives, are also typical throughout Tylwythir.


Tylwythir’s main exports are lumber, peat, and fish. The textile industry is also large in Tylwythir, with both wool and manufactured fabrics being economically important to the commonwealth. Coastal Tylwythir has an abundance of marble quarries. Tylwythir’s culture of valuing arcane magic has also produced a significant export in the form of wizardly and bardic knowledge.

Demography and Population

Those from Tylwythir are known as “Tylwythirian''. Each of the kingdoms has other demonyms for their people, that being Hysenthirian, Shioric, Kogwynan, Niogran, Bleataric, and Nysigish. Elves and humans are about tied for the largest racial population in Tylwithir, mostly being the elvish ethnicities of the Anwyn, Fhianna, and Eladrin, and the human ethnicities of the Gwerish (who are native to the region), Rathin, Lyudian, and Pitiquan. The most widely spoken languages in Tylwythir are the Awnnish and Glakorai dialects of Elvish, Gwerighe, and Common.


The vast majority of Tylwythir experiences a temperate maritime climate, with mild summers and cool winters. Most of Tylwythir’s topography is forests, hills, and swampland, with rivers running through them. Tylwythir’s borders are marked by the natural formations of the Gulf of Elythir to the north, the Wolfspine to the east and south, and the Akorlian Ocean to the west.   The Commonwealth of Tylwythir is made up of six kingdoms. Hysenthir is the kingdom ruled by High King Quarion Iphellaran. It is located in the northwest, and controls the cities of Glan Gyntaf (its capital and de facto capital of Tylwythir and throne of the High King), Afonyyd, and Llanfenir. The territory of Hysenthir contains the Glantaff Moor, Llanaidmar Forest, Afonnyd River, the southern coast of the Gulf of Elythir, and parts of the Tarnoss Wetlands and Triskele Rivers. Bleatar, located in the northeast, is ruled by King Conalt Skytrapper, and holds the cities of Loughway and its capital, Dunmore. Bleatar’s territory contains Shuidain Forest, the Bleatar Sheath, the Tarnoss Wetlands, the southern coast of Tolkathar Sound, and parts of the Gulf of Elythir, Fagann River, Akliadgh Basin, Llarfagann Moor, and Triskele Rivers. In the west of Tylwythir is Kogwynar, ruled by King Ulamys Kogwynar, which only claims one city, Llarwyff, and the natural landmarks of the Fagann River, the Akliadgh Basin (including Melgaengh Island), Ithildar Forest, and the Llarfagann Moor. In central Tylwythir is Shioralon, ruled by King Taliesin Shannes. Shioralon holds the cities of Arhalon and Shannes, the latter of which is its capital. Most of its territory is within Kidan Forest, and also lays claim over Whitewood River, the holy island of Naishinas’Aroithair, and part of Niogach River. In southern Tylwythir is Naniogra, ruled by King Ardena Loikeld, containing Rhyster and its capital of Ayn Seryn. Naniogra’s territory encompasses the Naniogra Higlands, the Niogach River, and the healing waters of Lake Seryn. Off the coast is the island of Nysig, ruled by King Anascaryn Summershine. Nysig holds claim over its island, the many forests on it, the tiny island of Nainge off its coast, and the cities of I’rde Arfor, Gn’Ysriel, and Fyefna, the latter being its capital.


Each kingdom controls its own armed forces, split among the ruling earls. City militia come from no national or commonwealth organization, and are recruited from members of the settlement they protect. Hysenthir, Kogwynar, Nysig, Bleatar, Shioralon, and Naniogra all have navies. Should it be necessary, the High King can also call upon the Golden Crown Army, a selection of warriors of all types that have been chosen to serve for the good of the entire commonwealth based upon their military record.


Being the traditional religion of the elves and Gwerish humans that are native to its lands, Seldarinism is the most practiced religion within Tylwythir. Tylwythirians usually follow Seldarine paths dedicated to the deities Corellon, Ehlonna, Obad-hai, Kord, and Selene. After Seldarinism, the most widely followed faiths in Tylwythir are the Lunarion Church, the Urbnata Church, and the Thanadar traditions of the Pitiquan and Lyudian people.


Tylwythir has some of the most famous magical education institutions throughout the entirety of Diaghal. While technically an independent city-state and not part of Tylwythir, Datholm, and therefore Dathied University, is in Tylwythirian territory. Many magically-inclined Tylwythirians have studied there. In addition, some of the most famous bardic colleges in Tuatha are located in Tylwythir
Alternative Names
Commonwealth of Tylwythir, The Elvish Kingdoms
Official State Religion

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