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The secret frontier

After The Murder of Albron the Allspeaking tensions are high between The Ordering and The Apex Republic, Kaurus the Unmaker has recived troubeling news that a cult has formed in the lawless lands of Drydale and sends one of his best Fulcrums to establish an inqusition in secret.   The inquisition, led by Rasa of the Five Shores seeks not only to find and eradicate the cult, but also to establish if The Apex Republic is in league with necromancers. Before the inquisition can begin their inquest operations must be secured and the local territory explored, for this, the inquisition hires local adventurers and explorers to venture into the secret underground of Drydale. Establishing the inquisition will not be easy, as The Apex Republic authorities will not accept foreign interference in their matters, and the townspeople are fearful of those who wield magic.
  The first dieacide in history sends shockwaves throughout the once utopian Renata, by the hands of a spellcaster Assassin, the benevolent god Albron the Allspeaking was slain, as the protector and the moral center of The Apex Republic its cites are on the verge of war on two fronts; against the suspected benefactors of the assassin and The Ordering, a divine autocracy who seek to eradicate all arcane spellcasting that threatens the supremacy of gods.   In the midst of a brewing conflict between neighbors rumors spread of another spellcaster and his cult of necromancers who seems to defy natural death. In a bid to investigate this cult in secret Kaurus the Unmaker dispatched Rasa of the Five Shores, his most trusted Fulcrum to begin forming an inquisition in Drydale. The god mandated that this inqusition where to root out this cult and imprision their leader and while so doing investigate any ties between the Cult and The Apex Republic, for while the death of Albron the Allspeaking caused The Council of Ten to issue the Decree Concerning the Status of "Arcane Casters", effectivly outlawing spellcasters, there were still suspiciouns that the Republic were secretly cultivating spellcasters to use in a war against The Ordering.



Posting from Rasa of the Five Shores to the Witch Hunter Acadamy:   Hunters, Inquisitors, and Guardians, Your services are needed yet again for a cause most momentous, for the foul scourge of heretical magi has corrupted the republic, mere puppeteers to foul magics they spew propaganda and heresy to the dreamer masses. The great unmaker himself has called upon me, Rasa of the Five Shores to form an inquest upon this most tainted land, and while the sovereignty of the republic must be respected, our presence must remain anonymous. As such this decree will not detail further information as to the location nor the task at hand.  

The following is needed from all applicants:

  • Native to Western Pelagus.
  • Fluent in Merchants tongue.
  • Completed all trials of The Aestimium.
  • Written recommendation from a Arch Pontifex as to your readiness for service.
  • A fundamental understanding of Columna Veritatis: Vis Divina .
  • No prior official assignment on record.
  • The following specialist positions are needed:

  • Occult specialist, someone with a background in Occult and arcane studies who can identify and counteract magic in the field.
  • Specialist craftsman, someone who can supply the inquisition with specialist items and craft equipment and/or alchemical potions.
  • Crusader, one able to easily vanquish undead and heal companions.
  • Agent, a charismatic and observant individual able to navigate socially within Apex.
  • Shieldbearer, a martially adept warrior capable of protecting allies and leading others in combat.
  • It should be stated that if need be one individual can fill two positions, but this is only an exception made for the right candidate.   Your service within the inquisition will be rewarded with gold and status as well as given a monthly personal stipend, applicants will be expected to remain in Apex to establish a more permanent foothold if needed. If the inquest is deemed successfull all property and wealth gained throughout its operation will not be redistributed, this means any property you acquire will default to you once your service is no longer needed.   I urge all applicants to read up on Apex culture before applying as there will be a short exam to ensure all can pass as authentic dreamers if need be, suggested reading is A Guide to Apex Political Culture, Chapter 6 (part 1).
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