Hanshu Settlement in Renata | World Anvil
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This vast administrative city is the heart and soul of the Wend Wall . The God Hanshu the Manyfaced for which the city is named lives in the Imperial palace surrounded by an army of eunuchs, bureaucrats, ministers and concubines. The Capital is not a trade city, and in fact merchants are not allowed inside the city walls, congregating instead in shanty towns near the gates.


The city is divided into three parts. The inner "Imperial City" where the Emperor and his court live. This part of the city cover near a quarter of the entire city, yet hosts no more than 5.000 permanent residents. Even the servants and slaves who serve the court may not live within those hallowed walls. Instead they must travel there through hidden tunnels from their homes. The majority of the population lives in the "Middle City". Here live the vast numbers of imperial functionaries that ensure the smooth operation of imperial government. Here are housed the countless offices of clerks, assistant ministers, imperial concubines, servants, and soldiers.   The squalid "Outer City" is not part of the city proper. Those considered too dishonorable to set foot within a God's city; merchants, foreign, etc, live here. Some parts of the outer city are rather nice, as the wealthy tradesmen and crime-lords seek to emulate their betters. But most of it is a horrid slum.


The City serves as the administrative hub of The Wend Wall. The Divine Emperor rules all, aided by his loyal civil servants. At least that's what the pamphlets say.


The Inner Wall stands 100ft tall and protects the Imperial City, the Outer Wall stands at 50ft and protects the Middle City. Several thousand soldiers from the The Green Banner Army are garrisoned in the city and keep the unruly peasants at bay.

Industry & Trade

Although the city is not primarily a center of trade some industry and trade still take place.

Guilds and Factions

There are innumerable factions fighting for influence within the imperial government. Far too many to name. Opposing the government are various internal rebel group, as well as agents from other countries. You can't swing a dead cat in Hanshu without hitting a foreign spy.
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