Hanshu the Manyfaced Character in Renata | World Anvil
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Hanshu the Manyfaced

... "as he returned home Tau Yun saw an old pauper gnome sat crosslegged on the porch of his house, that such a dirty creature would stain his home in such a brazen manner brought shame upon his stature and title. Furious at the paupers unwillingness to move, he threw rock at the old man and cursed him to move, as the rock was about to hit the forehead of the beggar his hand snapped up to grab it, effortlessly, he knew then that his honor and his life was void just as the caw of Guānchá the Watcher echoed overhead."
— Excerpt from children's book "The Reeds"

Divine Domains

Trickery, Protection, War

Holy Books & Codes

The Art of War, The One who Wends

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A wending river

Tenets of Faith

  • Treat all with Honor and respect
  • Underestimate no man nor beast
  • Keep always a sharp blade, but favor always the sharp tongue.


The Honest day - At the start of each month the The Wend Wall practice "Chéngshí de yītiān", a day where grievances are aired, deals are made and no lie can be spoken. During this day Hanshu Bu himself holds a ceremony in Hanshu where he wears his true form.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To foster a new generation of Gods, disciplined and true of heart and spirit that can return to the Ordering and evolve it into the true Order of Renata.


Contacts & Relations

Hanshu is always accompanied by the god Guānchá the Watcher, a large crow that watches and guards Hanshu where ever he goes.
Divine Classification
Year of Birth
1 2071 Years old
Ruled Locations

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