Harperrim Settlement in Renata | World Anvil
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Harperrim embodies the principal of how the Wend Wall improves society. Over hundres of year we have made sure that Harperrim flourishes to become a beacon of hope for everyone who travels through.
— Said by Hansu the Manyfaced during the appointment of Somla the Just as Govenor of Harperrim


Human (57%)
Halfling (12%)
Gnome (9%)
Dwarf (7%)
Half Orc (5%)
Other species (10%)


The city is goverend by the emissary sent directly from Hanshu the Manyfaced.
Currently it is Somla the Just who serves as govenor of Harperrim. Though his suffix is "the Just", Somla is everything, but that.
His main task is to man the seafort Hisan , but instead of sending skilled fighters and warriors, he uses the seafort as his own personal jail for everyone he simply do not like.


The town is surronded by a sturdy stone wall, built by the The Green Banner Army after the Wend Wall seized the city in 1442.
Due to the political situation, The Wend Wall still to this day have one company of The Green Banner Army stationed in the military quarters of Harperrim.

The Harperrim Port is surrounded by a massive stone wall, known as the "Heaven Wall". The wall was initially built to protect the port from artillery and to separate the dock from the main portion of the city in case of sickness and plagues.
Today it is seen upon as the separator between order and chaos.

Industry & Trade

The city of Harperrim mainly endulge themself in trading and shipping.
As a coastal city and The Wend Wall main port towards The Iron Sea many travelers uses Harperrim as a safeport during night to avoid incidents with Dead Sea Collective

Guilds and Factions

The city of Harperrim is mainly divided into two "factions" representing the peoples affiliation towards either The Wend Wall or The Apex Republic

Amongst the people hoping for that The Apex Republic shall regain control over Harperrim, there has been formed a small militia group called Republic Warriors . Though frequently having successful sabotage missions towards the administration and military quarters, no noticeable progress is made towards the relegation of The Wend Wall


The city of Harperrim had been under The Apex Republic control since its creation.
In the The Incident of 1442 the city was siezed by The Wend Wall and has been under their control since.

Even though the rule of Apex ended long ago, the presence of citizens affiliated with The Apex Republic is quite substantial. In closed companies, some might say, over half the city population prefers the rule of The Apex Republic


Though the city is surronded by a sturdy stone wall, the main portions of the city is built up by old wooden buildings.
Though the port quarters, behind the Heaven Wall, are newer and more modern due to the wealth of the traveling seafarers using the port.
The military quarters and administration quarters are newer buildings built with unnecessary style, ordered by the seizing party, to clearly differentiate between The Wend Wall presence and The Apex Republic presence in the city


Harperrim is located at the edge of what is commonly known as "Ambush Forrest" on the shore of Tradewake Bay.
Over the trees of the forrest one can glare up on the majestic mountain range Baria.

Natural Resources

Harperrim main resources:
  • Wood
  • Tradegoods from various parts of the world


  • Harperrim
Alternative Name(s)
City of Last Chance, New Hope Bay
Included Locations
Owning Organization
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