Hisan Settlement in Renata | World Anvil
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Who are we really protecting from who?
— Confused new recruit at Hisan


There is no known mancount in Hisan. Everyone is welcome and there is next to no questions asked


Officially governed by @Somla the Just of Harperrim
On Hisan it is Thorbjorn the First who really rules over the fort itself and the island as a whole


The seafort of Hisan is a sturdy brick fort with canontower facing the seafront.
The fort is quite massive, but due to the lack of prioritization by the govenor of Harperrim, it is in rather bad shape.
The fort itself has only one entrance faced inland.

Guilds and Factions

The fort and island are all mostly unified, though under no faction of the world.


The seafort of Hisan was a proud construction, ensuring safety for all ships traveling within Tradewake Bay towards Drydale or Harperrim.
The fort was manned by soldiers from both The Wend Wall and The Apex Republic until the Incident of 1442 where The Wend Wall seized Harperrim and by that also the island.
After @Somla the Just became govenor of Harperrim, Hisan has been used as his personal prison for everyone opposing him or not to his liking. This has made the demographic on Hisan vastly random, but they all have one true purpose, to not protect @Somla the Just from anything.
Besides the fort, Prison island is mostly inhabited by the "soldiers" families who actually has made the shanty town, Prison Town, close to the fort quite flourishing. It has become a well known trading spot for goods not commonly traded on the main land.
Alternative Name(s)
Prison Island, Cape Last Stop
Military, Camp
Inhabitant Demonym
Somlaians, Waterkeepers
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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