Luma Settlement in Renata | World Anvil
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And I lay eyes on the grand city. Domed towers, spires made of the finest glass and stone engulfing my view. Vivid and bright colors draping the city, making it look like a painters easel.
— Chapter 52 from Fidl Crasto's book "Circumnavigating Renata: A journal of a traveler"


High Elves make up the majority of the population, with Dark Elves being the biggest majority of the city. The third largest group of the city are humans who make up about 5% and other races combined make up about 1%


The government consists of the Despot Juliar leading a large council of ministers who help in the daily governance of the lands.  

Minister Titles

  • Proderos
  • Magistros
  • Bestarches
  • Bestes

Industry & Trade

The main industry of Luma are divided into two trades. The first trade is the production of dyes, spices and cloth. Luman objects are well known for vivid colors and fine patterns which the Luman craftsman take very seriously. A craftsman of any of these items will make their own designs to with smells, tastes or decorations to distinguish themselves from others. For a craftsman to to be able to produce a product within Luma they must have a governmental stamp and seal of approval in their shop to show that the craftsman is trusted for their work.   The second industry of importance in Luma is the The Arcane University of Luma. The university is responsible for the teachings and studies of the arcane. A person who has shown a gift for the use of arcane Vis must study at the academy to receive a proper education and documents to practice magic in the various nations of Renata.
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