Juliar of Dawn Character in Renata | World Anvil
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Juliar of Dawn

Lord of Light, The Philosopher King, Augustus, Pater Patriae Juliar

The elven God of light. He is the brother of Marel and the ruler of Luma. A philosopher at heart Juliar rules with a fatherly stern, but compassionate hand.

Divine Domains

Sun, Fire, Truth, Creation

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of Light

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A radiant sun

Tenets of Faith

Seek always knowledge   Do no evil   Encourage curiosity in others   Protect those weaker than thyself


The Summer Sun Celebration

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To protect the elven people   To guide the elves in their divinely ordained task of "raising the children"   To rein in the excesses of Marel

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Created by Argus the Allfather as a twin of Marel. Juliar was made to represent the views of The Allfather in the first generation of gods. He eventually came to rule the western provinces alongside his sister. He constructed the city of Luma from the 5th century. In 1322 the Sundar became independent of the Ordening, although Juliar is still loyal to Argus.

Gender Identity


Personality Characteristics


To protect mortals from the dangers that lurk in the dark. To advance philosophy and knowledge.


Contacts & Relations

His Guardians

Family Ties

His sister Marel

Social Aptitude

He is often humble and generous. He is a patient god.


Juliar of Dawn

Brother (Vital)

Towards Marel of Dusk



Marel of Dusk

Sister (Important)

Towards Juliar of Dawn




They are twins. They have elected to rule separate cities, as they really know how to push each other's buttons.

Skill: Diplomacy
Weapon: Glaive
Edicts: Seek always knowledge, Encourage curiosity in others, Protect those weaker than yourself
Anathema: Hiding knowledge from others, committing cruel acts, exploiting the weak.
Divine Classification
Lawfull Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
202 1870 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Twin birth with Marel
Current Residence
Quotes & Catchphrases
What we know is a drop, what we don’t know is an ocean.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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