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The Plague of Driftwood

Plague / Epidemic


A mysterious plague devastates Driftwood and kills nearly half of the population in a matter of months, the town and Shiver Town is quarantined by The Crimson Coast who station military by Fort Tyria and Gallowsway to keep help out and the sick in.

It is rumored that the plague began when the devastated ship The Forlorn Star docks at the Driftwood: Fogdocks for emergency repairs. As the dockhands recived the ship it became apperant that most of its crew had dissapered and only a gaunt skeleton crew remained, all seeming deatlhy ill.   Little else is known about the ship or its crew as House di Floranna has ensured the event is kept secret. However the damage was done, the plague spread rather quickly and it is estimated that 20 people died within the first week. As news of the plague spread so did the panic, trade quickly came to a halt with any outside city except Shiver Town.   As the death toll rose over the coming weeks The Crimson Coast started seing cases of the plague as far south as Okkawa and issued a general travel ban for their citizens. A few days later the newly elected Shogun Riuu Shinku instated a state of emergency and created a blockade around Fort Tyria to end all trade and travel between Shiver Town and Talonwheel .   One month after the initial outbreak and word had spread to The Cobalt Order who were worried for the health of their clergy at Shiver town: The Golden Ward, hearing the plight of the citizinry Karabir the Binder himself offered to take his healers across the Golden sea to help with this deadly plague.   After two months the death toll had risen to 800, with many more unconfirmed, it now became clear that the plague had a near 99% mortality rate, and chaos and scramble for resources became the cause of death for many more. As Karabir the Binder reached Western Haru he was hailed by a fleet from the The Crimson Coast lead by Riuu Shinku himself who denied the gods entry upon what the Shogun deemed his lands, saying that landing his divine enturage upon Haru would be grounds for war between The Crimson Coast and The Cobalt Order, not wanting to start another war, Karabir relented and returned home.   Diplomatic pressure from both The Ordering and The Crimson Coast forced the doge Bartellomeo di Floranna to issue a quaranteen on Driftwood, cutting it of from its lifeline; Shiver Town.   It did not take long before almost the entirety of Driftwood was decimated by either the plague or each other. After 7 months the plague was declared extinct by The Apothecarii and the quaranteen was lifted.

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