The Rook

The Rook is a popular inn and tavern located in Castle Fallingstar in Leithien. The Rook caters to adventurers and powerful beings, allowing the Knight Inn across the street to act as a safe haven for common folk.   The usual bartender at the Rook is a dwarven samurai and ex-adventurer. He is armed with a powerful magic katana that contains/is made from an angry ice dragon. Despite his considerable skills, he is rarely the most dangerous entity in the inn.   Two of the more notable guests are the primordial dragon Memnon and the titan Ythomb, who can almost always be found staring at each other over a chessboard at one of the corner tables. They rarely, if ever, move the pieces; observers are left to assume that they are playing through entire games in their minds, countering each other forever.   The freed Godslayers are also regulars here, found taking time off from patrols around the region.


  • The Rook floorplan
    The floorplan of the Rook Inn in Castle Fallingstar. It has three floors. The ground floor has the kitchen, dining area, and stage. The second floor has a balcony dining area and a collection of bedrooms, most of them reserved for employees. The third floor contains the guest bedrooms. The three floors are connected by stairs.
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