Tomb of Sartine

A subterranean tomb complex built in the mountains near Vaester. It is the tomb of Sartine, an archpriestess of the Raven Queen. In the long years since its creation, it has fallen into severe disrepair; undead are abundant (though it's possible some of these were included from the beginning as guards), traps are malfunctioning or destroyed, and floors have fallen in. Still, in the tomb's depths, a portal to the Shadowfell remains.


In 23 ARL (by Renedge reckoning), Ruby and her adventuring friends came to the Tomb of Sartine in search of its portal to the Shadowfell and thus a route to Nightwyrm Fortress. On their way through the tomb they cleared out many of the lurking undead (including a death angel and his guards) and retrieved Sartine herself in the form of an intelligent crystal skull. Sartine went with them on their subsequent adventures and has yet to be returned to the tomb.
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