Lady Shadoweaver

Lady Shadoweaver is a figure of immense influence within the Forlorn Moon, an ancient and secretive faction dedicated to protecting the plane of Tilith from external threats. As a high-ranking member of this mysterious order, she has earned a reputation for her formidable skills in both combat and strategy, making her one of the most respected and feared individuals within the organization. Her authority is unquestioned, and her presence commands a deep respect from those who serve under her, as well as from those who interact with the Forlorn Moon's agents in the broader world.   Standing tall at 6'4", Lady Shadowweaver cuts an imposing figure. She is always seen wearing a flowing, shadowy robe interwoven with darkened steel plates, which not only serves as protection but also enhances her enigmatic aura. Her face is perpetually obscured by an obsidian stone mask, intricately carved with sharp, angular patterns that give her a menacing and unreadable expression. Through the narrow slits of the mask, her glowing crimson eyes are visible, a haunting reminder of the power she wields. These eyes, along with her long, slender hands that end in sharp, claw-like nails, add to her intimidating presence.   Lady Shadowweaver’s role within the Forlorn Moon extends beyond that of a mere warrior or assassin; she is also a mentor and master to many within the order. Her most notable pupil is Valentine, whom she has trained for over 15 years. Lady Shadowweaver has been instrumental in shaping Valentine into a lethal and disciplined operative, honing her abilities to perfection. This mentorship is marked by a complex dynamic, where Lady Shadowweaver maintains a strict and often harsh demeanor, ensuring that her pupil remains focused and obedient. However, this strictness is part of a calculated effort to mold Valentine into a perfect instrument for the Forlorn Moon’s purposes.   Her importance also stems from her strategic mind and deep understanding of the Forlorn Moon’s objectives. Lady Shadowweaver is often involved in planning and executing the most critical and sensitive missions assigned to the order. Her ability to anticipate threats and outmaneuver opponents has saved the Forlorn Moon from countless dangers. She is known for her meticulous attention to detail and her ability to adapt to rapidly changing situations, making her an invaluable asset to the organization.   Within the broader context of Varanthia’s royal court, Lady Shadowweaver serves as a liaison between the Forlorn Moon and the Draewynn family. Her position allows her to navigate the complex and often treacherous political landscape of the court, using her influence to ensure that the Forlorn Moon’s interests are protected and advanced. Her connections and the respect she commands among both her peers and the nobility make her a key figure in maintaining the delicate balance of power within the kingdom.   Lady Shadowweaver’s importance is further underscored by her unique abilities, which are deeply rooted in the ancient traditions of the Chthon people. Her power to manipulate shadows and summon weapons of pure darkness is unparalleled, making her a formidable force in battle. These abilities, combined with her strategic acumen and leadership skills, place her at the pinnacle of the Forlorn Moon’s hierarchy, and her actions and decisions have a profound impact on the course of events within both the order and the royal court.   In essence, Lady Shadowweaver is a master of shadows—both literally and figuratively. Her influence extends far beyond her immediate surroundings, shaping the destinies of those who come into contact with her, whether they realize it or not. Her presence within the Forlorn Moon and the royal court is a testament to her skill, power, and the deep respect she commands, making her an indispensable figure in the intricate web of alliances and power plays that define Varanthian society.


Lady Shadoweaver

Master (Vital)

Towards Valentine




Pupil (Vital)

Towards Lady Shadoweaver




Lady Shadoweaver and Valentine have a long and complicated relationship that spans 15 years. From the moment Valentine was introduced into the Forlorn Moon, Lady Shadoweaver recognized her potential and took her under her wing as a pupil. As Valentine underwent the harsh training of the Forlorn Moon, Lady Shadoweaver molded her into a weapon of precision and lethality, all while secretly manipulating her for her own occultist purposes. Despite this, Lady Shadoweaver developed a genuine, albeit twisted, sense of pride and almost parental affection for Valentine, seeing her as one of her greatest creations. However, Lady Shadoweaver has always been careful to conceal these true feelings, consistently maintaining a cold, distant demeanor to ensure Valentine remains loyal and focused.

Nicknames & Petnames

Lady Shadoweaver has never used any affectionate or casual nicknames for Valentine. Instead, she typically refers to her as "Pupil" or by her full name, "Valentine," in a tone that is both commanding and detached. This formality reinforces the hierarchical nature of their relationship and serves to keep Valentine in her place as a subordinate.

Relationship Reasoning

Lady Shadoweaver chose Valentine as her pupil due to the unique qualities Valentine possessed, particularly her Jrigori heritage and the potential for harnessing dark, destructive power. Valentine’s mixed blood and her innate abilities made her an ideal candidate for the Forlorn Moon's most dangerous and secretive missions, which aligned perfectly with Lady Shadoweaver's own goals. Additionally, Valentine’s malleability—her willingness to obey without question—was seen as a significant asset, allowing Lady Shadoweaver to shape her into a tool for her occult practices and for the benefit of Castrophant’s dark designs.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both Lady Shadoweaver and Valentine share a deep connection to darkness and shadow, though in different ways. Lady Shadoweaver’s powers are rooted in the ancient magics of the Chthon, while Valentine’s abilities are a result of her Jrigori lineage and the Cataclysm Shard. This shared affinity for the dark arts has created a bond, albeit a complex and secretive one. Both also share an appreciation for the discipline and structure that comes from their roles within the Forlorn Moon. However, their shared interests end there, as Lady Shadoweaver's motivations are driven by a desire for power and control, while Valentine’s are rooted in loyalty and a desperate need for purpose.

Shared Secrets

One of the deepest secrets that Lady Shadoweaver and Valentine share is the existence of a hidden sanctuary within the Forlorn Moon’s temple, known only to the two of them. This sanctuary, buried deep beneath the temple, is a place where Lady Shadoweaver has conducted many of Valentine’s most brutal and transformative training sessions. It is here that Valentine first experienced the true extent of her powers, and where Lady Shadoweaver revealed the hidden potential of the Cataclysm Shard implanted within her. The sanctuary is filled with ancient texts, forbidden rituals, and relics of dark power.   Lady Shadoweaver has confided in Valentine about the sanctuary’s existence, but only to the extent that it serves as a place of special importance in her training. Valentine is aware that this place is off-limits to everyone else, and she understands that what occurs within its walls must remain a closely guarded secret. This knowledge has created a unique bond of trust between them.

Legal Status

Master-Pupil Contract



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