
The Maid Valentine (a.k.a. Bloody Valentine)

Valentine’s existence was shaped in the shadows long before she ever drew breath. Born in the dark and turbulent plane of Vale, her very essence was tainted by the blood of the Jrigori, a vampiric race whose remnants still haunted the world. Valentine is a Shinadol, a cursed being seen as a plague upon Vale, born from the hidden legacy of the Jrigori. To most, the Shinadol appear like any other person, but beneath the surface, they are little more than breathing corpses, devoid of emotion from birth and cursed with an existence that teeters between life and undeath. Valentine’s early life was defined by this detachment, her lack of emotion leading to a deep sense of alienation and fear from those around her.   Her mother, Sasha, bore Valentine as a result of a forbidden union with a Jrigori, a scandal that brought shame and danger to her family. To protect her child from the wrath of society and the dangerous legacy of her bloodline, Sasha handed Valentine over to the Forlorn Moon, a secretive faction known for its mastery over both martial and mystical arts. The Forlorn Moon saw potential in Valentine’s cursed blood and took her in, not out of pity, but as an opportunity to mold her into a weapon that could serve their secretive and often deadly purposes. Thus began Valentine’s journey, one marked by brutal training and an ever-deepening darkness within her soul.   From the moment she was taken by the Forlorn Moon, Valentine’s life became a relentless cycle of pain, training, and indoctrination. The temples of the Forlorn Moon, shrouded in mystery and hidden from the world, became both her home and her prison. There, she was trained to be an Exile, a master of assassination and deception. Her body was honed through relentless conditioning, each scar a testament to the trials she endured. Her mind was molded by the doctrines of the Forlorn Moon, stripping away any semblance of individuality and replacing it with unwavering loyalty and a singular focus on the mission at hand. Yet, even in the midst of this darkness, a small part of Valentine clung to the memory of her mother, the only light in an otherwise shadowed existence.   Valentine’s training was not only physical but also mystical. Her Shinadol nature was seen as both a curse and a gift by her mentors. She was taught to harness the undead power within her blood, an ability known as the Curse of Undying. This curse allowed her to manipulate her undead nature, granting her immunity to many dangers and the ability to transform into a more fearsome version of herself—a form that drained the color from her skin and marked her as something other than human. But this power came with a price, further alienating her from others and deepening her self-loathing. The Curse of Undying, while formidable, was a constant reminder of the monstrous blood that flowed through her veins, marking her as a creature of darkness.   One of the most significant trials Valentine faced during her time with the Forlorn Moon was the implantation of the Cataclysm Shard—a powerful, ancient artifact that bestowed upon her the ability to steal and wield the power of a forgotten deity. This process was excruciating, pushing Valentine to the brink of death and beyond. But she survived, emerging with new abilities that made her a force to be reckoned with. Yet, the true nature of the shard’s power remained hidden from her, a secret that even her mentors kept close. All Valentine knew was that this power made her stronger, but it also added to the growing darkness within her, a darkness she could neither fully control nor understand.   Valentine’s life took a drastic turn when she was assigned to serve as the personal maid to Princess Eilline Draewynn of Varanthia. This was no mere assignment; it was a test of her loyalty and a redefinition of her purpose. The royal family had called upon the Forlorn Moon to provide a protector, and Valentine, with her unique skills and unwavering obedience, was chosen for this role. However, this new life was a stark contrast to the shadows she had known. The glittering halls of Varanthia’s court were filled with intrigue, deception, and danger, and Valentine had to navigate these treacherous waters while concealing her true nature. She was no longer just a weapon—she was a servant, a protector, and a shadow ever at the princess’s side.   Despite her role as a maid, Valentine’s true purpose was much more sinister. She was the princess’s guardian, her silent sentinel, ever watchful and ready to strike down any threat. The bond she shared with Eilline was complex, rooted in the indoctrination that had defined her life. To Valentine, Eilline was not just a charge but a symbol of the light she had been denied—a beacon in the darkness of her existence. Valentine’s loyalty to the princess was absolute, driven by a need to protect and serve, but it was also colored by a deeper, unspoken connection. In Eilline, Valentine saw a reflection of her own struggles—a young woman caught between duty and desire, much like herself.   As time passed, Valentine’s relationship with Eilline deepened. Outwardly, their relationship was one of servant and mistress, but beneath this surface lay a bond forged in the crucible of court life. Valentine saw in Eilline a strength and resilience that mirrored her own, and this recognition only strengthened her resolve to protect the princess at all costs. Yet, even as she grew closer to Eilline, Valentine struggled with the darkness within her. The more she used her powers to protect the princess, the more she loathed herself for needing to rely on them. This internal conflict was the core of Valentine’s existence—a battle between the light she served and the darkness she embodied.   Valentine’s sense of identity remained a constant struggle. She viewed herself as a monster, her existence defined by the curse that made her something less than human. The kindness that Eilline occasionally showed her only deepened this conflict, as it reminded Valentine of the humanity she was taught to deny. Yet, in these moments of kindness, Valentine found a flicker of hope—a possibility that she could be more than the monster she believed herself to be. But the weight of her past, the curse that marked her, and the powers she wielded kept her tethered to the shadows, even as she longed to step into the light.   Valentine’s presence in the royal court of Varanthia was carefully managed to be unobtrusive. To most, she was just a maid—efficient, silent, and invisible. But those who knew her true role understood the quiet menace she represented. Valentine was not merely a servant; she was a master of death, a protector whose loyalty was as fierce as her self-hatred. Her life was a contradiction, defined by the roles she played and the nature she struggled to control. This duality was the essence of her existence—a constant tension between the darkness within her and the light she sought to protect.   Her connection to the Draewynn family was further solidified when King Draewynn himself took an interest in her training and loyalty. Lady Shadoweaver, Valentine’s mentor, and the king worked together to ensure that Valentine’s loyalty was not just to the Forlorn Moon but to the royal family as well. This reindoctrination was a test of her resolve and a reinforcement of the bonds that tied her to her duty. Valentine underwent the Trial of Blades, a brutal test designed to prove her worthiness to serve the royal family. She emerged from the trial victorious, further cementing her role as the princess’s protector, yet each victory only deepened the burden she carried.   As Valentine settled into her role, she found herself increasingly drawn to the light that Eilline represented. The princess, despite the pressures of her position, showed a kindness and warmth that Valentine had not experienced since her childhood. This kindness was a double-edged sword for Valentine. It was a source of comfort, yet it also terrified her, threatening to unravel the carefully constructed persona that had been drilled into her during her training. The more time she spent with Eilline, the more Valentine questioned whether she could ever escape the shadows that defined her life, or if she was destined to remain a monster in the eyes of others and herself.   Valentine’s life in the court became one of contrasts. On the surface, she was a model servant—efficient, obedient, and loyal to a fault. But beneath this façade, she wrestled with the darkness that had been instilled in her since childhood. The abilities she wielded were a constant reminder of the taint that marked her as different, as something to be feared. This internal conflict grew with each passing day, as Valentine struggled to reconcile the light she served with the darkness she embodied. She began to realize that her greatest battle was not against the enemies of the royal family, but against the monster within her—a battle she was not sure she could win.   As war looms on the horizon, Valentine faces new challenges that test her loyalty and resolve. The court is rife with intrigue, and Eilline’s safety is constantly under threat. Valentine’s role as protector becomes even more critical, and she must navigate the treacherous waters of court politics while keeping her true nature hidden. The tension between her duty and her desire for redemption grows with each passing day. Valentine knows that the choices she makes will not only determine her fate but that of the princess she has sworn to protect. But even as the darkness closes in, she clings to the hope that one day, she might find redemption for the sins she believes she was born to commit—and perhaps, a way to reconcile the monster within her with the human heart she so desperately longs to embrace.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and on the plump side, Valentine has a healthy body born from a combination of good food and constant exercise. Beneath her healthy fat she is somewhat muscular and flexible.

Body Features

Beneath her modest clothing, Valentine's body is riddled with scars long-healed. Her back especially is marred by whip marks - self inflicted flagellation.

Facial Features

Valentine's canine teeth are sharper than most, capable of piercing flesh with ease. Without the cover of makeup, her lips and gums have signs of scaring. Both of her ears are pierced and she wears her hair over her eyes. She does this in part to hide her 'disgusting features' and part because of her enhanced night vision renders her dizzy in bright sunlight.

Identifying Characteristics

Slightly glowing red eyes, a gentle smile that is marred by the presence of fangs, large breasts, expensive maid outfit.

Physical quirks

Valentine can't feel some of her toes - they have been destroyed and magically regrown enough times. When stressed she gnaws on her lip, finger or a strap of leather. Tends to squint in daylight.

Special abilities

With the techniques of an Exile, Valentine can create brief illusions and move faster than others can see. The scrolls she carries on her person are magical and bind larger objects inside. Besides those, she can briefly assume the form of her father's blood - a flesh eating monster.

Apparel & Accessories

Other than her maid uniform, she wears a veil of chain mail with a headpiece designed to emulate a soldier's helm. She wears a handful of rings and has a belt with several pouches - many of them filled with scrolls or tools.

Specialized Equipment

Whips, knives and a scythe are the weapons of choice for Valentine. She wears the former openly, but the latter are hidden via magical means.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Female. But responds to 'it'.


Bisexual, female leaning. Acknowledges her sexuality and identity but also believes that engaging in sexual activity with another person would be tarnishing that person.


Even though her blood is tainted, Valentine was raised to tend to nobility - thus she is highly educated. However, her upbringing was based around teaching basics and manners to others rather than for her to know advanced topics. She is rather dim when it comes to the subjects of history, military tactics and nature.


Valentine is a maid of Varanthian royal family. Besides her duties of an attendant, she is also a poison taster, advisor, killer and healer.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Valentine would prefer to deny any achievements directed at her, viewing herself unworthy.

Failures & Embarrassments

Being born. Breaking into the larder and eating a live chicken when she was 12.

Mental Trauma

Her upbringing and indoctrination lead her to develop incredible self-loathing. While this was not the intention of her training, it resulted in her being easy to control. She views herself as monstrous scum whose blood is tainted - only able to live due to her mother's charitable kindness. Despite being born unable to feel emotions, like all of her kind, she has developed them like any other 'human' would. Valentine keeps this fact a secret.

Intellectual Characteristics

Intelligent and observant, but ignorant to advanced topics.

Morality & Philosophy

'My master's will is law and bond both. I must ensure their safety and my orders are carried out properly.'


Harming her charges, disobeying her masters, acknowledging her humanity.

Personality Characteristics


To be able to spend even a minute with her mother, Valentine would carve out her own heart.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Knowledgeable in the theoretical ways of the court, she is vastly inexperienced with the realities.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Her mother, her weapons and tools, her lords and ladies, cleaning, blood Dislikes: Herself, blood

Virtues & Personality perks

Loyal, Steadfast, tolerant

Vices & Personality flaws

Self-loathing, gluttony, blind obedience

Personality Quirks

Occasional twitches while in direct sunlight, nibbles and gnaws when nervous, has no light in her eyes




Family Ties

Valentine is dimly aware that she has step-siblings, but refuses to acknowledge herself as a being of the same class as them. She loathes her father, having been indoctrinated to be, and is animalistically imprinted on her mother - being absolutely loyal to her.

Religious Views

Valentine worships the Talons as a pantheon. In moments where her conditioning wanes, sometimes the teachings of Dove and Swan pick at her mind - that maybe she could be more. These thoughts are swiftly discarded.

Social Aptitude

Charming and well mannered, Valentine has been trained for the dangers of courtly intrigu.


Constant cleaning/sweeping. Hands clasped before her, head bowed. Occasionally gnaws on things.

Hobbies & Pets

She once had a pet in her youth, but it was slain by her teacher to teach a lesson. As part of her hobbies, Valentine enjoys arranging objects in 'pleasing' ways, though the patterns are only pleasing to her perception. She's a sucker for romance novels.





Maid (Important)

Towards Princess Xena Eilline Draewynn



Princess Xena Eilline Draewynn

Princess (Important)

Towards Valentine




The relationship between Valentine and Princess Xenissa Eilline Draewynn began when Valentine was assigned as a personal maid to the princess. Over time, this professional relationship grew into a bond of trust and mutual respect. Valentine, having been with the princess for several years, has seen her through various stages of growth and development, from a sheltered young girl to a more mature and poised princess. Their relationship is rooted in the daily routines of royal life, where Valentine not only attends to Xenissa's needs but also offers her quiet support and guidance.   Princess Xenissa Eilline Draewynn values Valentine as more than just a servant; she sees her as a confidante and someone she can rely on in the often overwhelming environment of court life. Valentine, in turn, holds the princess in high regard, appreciating the young royal's kindness and intelligence. Despite the difference in their stations, their relationship is characterized by genuine care and loyalty.

Relationship Reasoning

The relationship between Valentine and Princess Xenissa Eilline Draewynn is grounded in mutual respect and the roles they play within the royal household. Valentine is responsible for the princess’s daily care, ensuring that she is properly dressed, groomed, and prepared for her various duties. However, their bond extends beyond mere duty. The princess values Valentine’s presence as a calming influence in her life, especially when the pressures of royalty become overwhelming. Valentine, on the other hand, finds purpose and pride in serving someone as promising and genuine as Xenissa.   Their relationship is also shaped by the expectations placed upon them. Xenissa is aware of the need to maintain appearances and fulfill her role as a princess, and Valentine’s support helps her navigate these challenges with grace. Valentine’s loyalty and discretion are crucial, as the princess often confides in her about personal matters that she would not share with others.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

While their roles in the royal court are vastly different, Valentine and Princess Xenissa Eilline Draewynn share a few key interests that help to strengthen their bond. Both have a deep appreciation for the quieter, more refined aspects of life. They enjoy spending time in the palace gardens, where Xenissa often reads or studies while Valentine tends to her duties nearby, occasionally sharing in conversations about books, poetry, or the arts.   Additionally, both value the importance of duty and loyalty. Xenissa’s commitment to her family and kingdom resonates with Valentine’s own sense of responsibility toward the princess. This shared understanding of duty creates a strong foundation for their relationship.

Shared Secrets

Over the years, Valentine and Princess Xenissa Eilline Draewynn have shared several personal moments and confidences that have strengthened their bond. One such secret is their occasional, secretive indulgence in games of chance. Despite the princess’s delicate and proper exterior, she enjoys the thrill of these games, and Valentine is often the only one present during these moments of indulgence. Valentine keeps this side of Xenissa's personality private, understanding that revealing it could undermine the princess’s carefully cultivated image.

Legal Status


Lady Shadoweaver

Master (Vital)

Towards Valentine




Pupil (Vital)

Towards Lady Shadoweaver




Lady Shadoweaver and Valentine have a long and complicated relationship that spans 15 years. From the moment Valentine was introduced into the Forlorn Moon, Lady Shadoweaver recognized her potential and took her under her wing as a pupil. As Valentine underwent the harsh training of the Forlorn Moon, Lady Shadoweaver molded her into a weapon of precision and lethality, all while secretly manipulating her for her own occultist purposes. Despite this, Lady Shadoweaver developed a genuine, albeit twisted, sense of pride and almost parental affection for Valentine, seeing her as one of her greatest creations. However, Lady Shadoweaver has always been careful to conceal these true feelings, consistently maintaining a cold, distant demeanor to ensure Valentine remains loyal and focused.

Nicknames & Petnames

Lady Shadoweaver has never used any affectionate or casual nicknames for Valentine. Instead, she typically refers to her as "Pupil" or by her full name, "Valentine," in a tone that is both commanding and detached. This formality reinforces the hierarchical nature of their relationship and serves to keep Valentine in her place as a subordinate.

Relationship Reasoning

Lady Shadoweaver chose Valentine as her pupil due to the unique qualities Valentine possessed, particularly her Jrigori heritage and the potential for harnessing dark, destructive power. Valentine’s mixed blood and her innate abilities made her an ideal candidate for the Forlorn Moon's most dangerous and secretive missions, which aligned perfectly with Lady Shadoweaver's own goals. Additionally, Valentine’s malleability—her willingness to obey without question—was seen as a significant asset, allowing Lady Shadoweaver to shape her into a tool for her occult practices and for the benefit of Castrophant’s dark designs.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Both Lady Shadoweaver and Valentine share a deep connection to darkness and shadow, though in different ways. Lady Shadoweaver’s powers are rooted in the ancient magics of the Chthon, while Valentine’s abilities are a result of her Jrigori lineage and the Cataclysm Shard. This shared affinity for the dark arts has created a bond, albeit a complex and secretive one. Both also share an appreciation for the discipline and structure that comes from their roles within the Forlorn Moon. However, their shared interests end there, as Lady Shadoweaver's motivations are driven by a desire for power and control, while Valentine’s are rooted in loyalty and a desperate need for purpose.

Shared Secrets

One of the deepest secrets that Lady Shadoweaver and Valentine share is the existence of a hidden sanctuary within the Forlorn Moon’s temple, known only to the two of them. This sanctuary, buried deep beneath the temple, is a place where Lady Shadoweaver has conducted many of Valentine’s most brutal and transformative training sessions. It is here that Valentine first experienced the true extent of her powers, and where Lady Shadoweaver revealed the hidden potential of the Cataclysm Shard implanted within her. The sanctuary is filled with ancient texts, forbidden rituals, and relics of dark power.   Lady Shadoweaver has confided in Valentine about the sanctuary’s existence, but only to the extent that it serves as a place of special importance in her training. Valentine is aware that this place is off-limits to everyone else, and she understands that what occurs within its walls must remain a closely guarded secret. This knowledge has created a unique bond of trust between them.

Legal Status

Master-Pupil Contract

Wealth & Financial state

Acting as the hands of her wards, Valentine has quite a lot of personal wealth and uses it to better equip herself to protect them - or to tend to their wants.

Bastard daughter of an imperial consort, Valentine has been raised as both a loyal maid and merciless killer. Despite her beauty and manners, she views herself as little more than scum due to her vampiric father.

View Character Profile
Lawful Depressed
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Maid, Servant
Date of Birth
19th of Earlate
Year of Birth
15729 21 Years old
Light brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Yes, m'lord."
Related Plots
Known Languages
Common, Home Region, Regalia, Hope


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