
Arrik'tukli is the spirit of Kemesh, revered by the Varhani. The Forest Walkers, Uratik'k of the varhani peoples are in communion with this spirit. Like their counterparts in other lands, such as the Grru'hrem M'hur of Barendar and the Xoxicohtli of Kalmasa, they are able to feel the mood and health of the spirit and respond to defend its well being. The greatest threat for the past century has been from Kalmasan colonists in northeastern Kemesh clearing land, destroying wildlife and mining.


Though this pain is unpleasant to Arrik'tukli, it not yet threatening to the powerful spirit. But the disease grows inexorably. At first, the Uratik'k had the unwavering support of the tribes in fighting this threat, but as recent treaties between the northeastern tribes and the colonists have brought peace and a measure of prosperity, their people's resolve against this threat to Arrik'tukli has weakened, leaving the Uratik'k of the northeast largely on their own to do what they can in the spirit's defense.

Divine Classification
Great Telluri


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