
Kemesh is the southernmost continent of Torvalen. It lies southwest of Okaluan separated by the Puru Strait and is southeast of Kalmasa separated by the Kemesh Strait. Most of the southern two thirds of the continent is believed to be hills and low mountains covered in jungle. Though Kemesh has been circumnavigated, only the eastern and western uplands have been explored, however explorers are limited in their exploration into the interior by hostile tribes of the native varhani peoples. The northeastern coast has broad coastal plains, marshlands and estuaries. It is here that Kalmasan explorers first touched ground, crossing the Kemesh Strait and founding a settlement that would become Port Ayenkar in Guryar, the first Eshtem colony outside of Kalmasa.


The Asprisya Mountains run from the southeast edge of Guryar along the long southern coast, ending near the southwestern portion of Kemesh.


The northwestern region, Nukuroa, is a lightly forested land of rolling hills colonized and fortified by Tohuna Iritana of Kahala in 190 AE. Though the recent expansionist policies of the Kalmasan Samraj never affected Kahala directly, the nobles of the Tohuna caste were alarmed enough to shake themselves out of their inward focus and begin to tentatively expand Kahala's reach, effectively surrounding Talani and interfering with trade between south Okaluan and Kalmasa.


The dense, mountainous jungles of interior Kemesh hold many riches, from the healing sap of the sitra tree to the diamond and gold discovered in the hills. Because of this wealth, many explorers, freebooters and hunters come to Kemesh to make their fame and fortune. Many have died in this pursuit from the poison darts of the fierce natives.


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Cover image: by Bkamprath


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