
The ik'tir is a decidious tree native to the tropical forests of Kemesh. Its wood is the densest known in Torvalen. The trees grow to enormous heights, reaching upwards of 80 meters and a few are believed to be over a thousand years old. They have waxy, bright green, tear-drop shaped leaves and produce large purple flowers that give way to nearly black purple fruits that are a staple for many of Kemesh's wildlife.


The ik'tir is sacred to the Krri'ura varhani tribes. Upon reaching adulthood, Krri'ura climb to the top of an ik'tir and harvest a large branch from which to make their trrati blades. The stump of the severed branch is sealed with a combination of their own blood and a preparation created by the clan's Uratik'k.


Kalmasan colonists highly prize the wood and it is in great demand as a commodity. Harvesting the trees is a risky activity and any of the forest varhani would not hesitate to kill anyone who would cut down an ik'tir tree.

Scientific Name
Eusideroxylon durissima
Geographic Distribution


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