
Torvalen is a continental cluster of relatively small continents on Ashar that completely surround the Torvalen Sea. It is in turn surrounded by ocean and is on the opposite side of Ashar from Utanar and Xusmalat. The continents of Torvalen are Barendar, Heimval, Kalmasa, Kemesh, Okaluan and Volenar. It also contains many islands, most of which lie off the coasts of its continents.


Torvalen consists of two continental plates. The northern plate contains the continents of Volenar, Heimval and Barendar while the southern plate contains Okaluan, Kemesh and Kalmasa. These plates are separated by a subsea continental rift running the length of the Torvalen Sea in a rough east-west orientation and running through the Nui Sea in the west and between northern Kalmasa and Southern Barendar in the east. As this rift pushes the continents apart, the Torvalen Sea grows continually, separating Volenar, Heimval, Barendar from Okaluan, Kemesh and Kalmasa.


The waters separating continents that share a continental plate are shallow and vast, allowing for abundant growth of coral reefs in the south and kelp forests in the north along with the rich sea life those habitats harbor. Though these ecosystems provide a rich food source for the peoples living near them, these shallow, reef-filled seas pose a significant hazard to large sea vessels.


  • Torvalen

    Torvalen is a continental cluster of relatively small continents on Ashar that completely surround the Torvalen Sea.

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