
Kreja are a species of intelligent, social megarthropod that dwell in the deep forests of Okaluan. They are usually five feet in long and are striped in vibrant green and purple markings. Kreja live in small groups spread out over a few acres of forest. They communicate with each other through slight vibrations that travel through the interconnected webs high in the canopy. Some of these networks can extend for miles. Experienced travelers in the forests of Okaluan know to run the other way if they manage to spot a strand of kreja silk. For some unfortunates, the haunting, intricate sounds that comes from the trees in kreja territory is the last thing they hear.


Kreja silk is prized by the hakanu in the production of many fine items, including silken armor, and the cloth used to construct lelemiki gliders. The extensive webs the kreja spin in the tree canopy are also woven in front of dim animal trails in the forest. These web strands are transparent and difficult to see. Kreja webs are not sticky, but are very strong and taught. When prey brush against the web and a kreja is near enough to detect the vibrations, they will move closer and begin playing their websong with fine toothed ridged on their back legs. This creates a complex and hypnotic pattern that can entrance those within earshot. They rush the affected prey and deliver poisonous bites to kill before wrapping the corpses in silk and hauling them into the trees to feed.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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