
Nagathi are an excultid people of the large floating kelp islands known as the Wandering Isles. They are believed to be related to the tecuhtli that inhabit the forest hinterlands of Kalmasa and Kemesh, though their origins are shrouded in rumor.


They have scaleless hides with black and green mottled skin, that exudes a protective mucus and wide mouths filled with long, needle-like teeth. Their eyes are large and dark purple. They have four arms, the second pair emerges from their back and are large, webbed feet. Their chests are very broad, indicating a large lung capacity. They stand six feet tall on average and are very muscular.


Nagathi are considered evil and insane by most cultures. They are raiders who glory in death and the pain of others. They ply the Torvalen Sea on their floating islands, which can fragment or reconnect as needed and are mysteriously propelled through the water under their own power. They hunt for ships, small islands or isolated coastal communities to raid, kill and consume. Once a Nagathi smells blood, he will never retreat from prey.


A Nagathi’s prowess is measured by the magnificence of their conquest armor, which is composed of the bones, scales, shell, horn or other hard body parts of their victims. Those who know them, fear them and it is only the utterly brave or completely fool-hardy who seek them out on their wandering isles. Because of this, nothing is known of their culture or customs aside from what is gleaned from raids they make.


Nagathi raid in a disorganized, competitive fashion and almost never use group tactics. They also rarely retreat. However, once a victim is downed, a Nagathi will usually pick them up and carry them away to the floating island to be harvested and devoured, afterwards coming back for more if possible.


It is rumored that they communicate with, and perhaps even worship the abyssal ulan, whose own homeland lies directly below that of the nagathi in their strongholds in the becalmed center of the Torvalen Sea.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Labio perditans aquatus
Geographic Distribution


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