
Labians are a sapient genus of excultids distinguished primarily from their northern beccan cousins by their beakless mouths and flatter faces. They also differ from Genus Becco by possessing little body plumage, only head plumage, abundant in varhani, hakanu and dhun and sparse or nonexistent in the nagathi and tecuhtli. Many of this genus also possess horn growths on their jaws, chins and skull.


All labians lay eggs and incubate them outside the body. It must be noted that, due to the extreme use of biomantic arts during their early civilizations, the perditans species and subspecies are highly divergent in morphology and physiology from their natural, unaltered ancient forms.


Labians communicate with the full range of vocalizations humans produce, in addition to the incorporation of chirps, trills, coos, booms and hisses. Humans are able to appoximate most of these sounds, at least enough to be understood when they attempt to speak a labian language.

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Genus Labio

Articles under Labian


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