Red Rock Commune

Long ago, deep in the Chilacaualco Desert of central Kalmasa, a community of aesthetics began to gather, drawn by an absence in the strange red canyons of the desert’s interior. Here, originally living in caves dotting the canyon walls, these aesthetics sought to learn how to separate themselves from the world and its pull upon them.


Through meditation and study, those of the Red Rock Commune focus on controlling their own Will with the ultimate goal of extinguishing it completely and separating themselves from the great Mind that holds everything within it. In pursuit of this goal, they attain degrees of separation from surrounding reality that permit them to perform to temporarily disregard the laws of time and space.


Any who wish may join the commune as long as they can provide for their own food and shelter. Many misguided hopefuls come seeking to unlock power for its own sake. Most leave in a few days, out of impatience or bewilderment.


The commune does not have an organized structure and very little politics. How much understanding a member is perceived to have determines how much attention they receive in matters of teachings. Some, seeking attention, attempt to appear wiser than they are, but are soon found out. Most members stay with the commune for no more than a few years, some stay a lifetime.


Those who leave do not tend to use the powers gained through their insights except in great need. They instead making a living at a wide range of mundane professions. There are Red Rocks who are shipping magnates and others who are laborers. However their time in the desert marks them all and they have the inexplicable ability to recognize each other instinctively.

Cover image: Wadi Rum, Aqaba, Jordan by Juli Kosolapova


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