
Kalmasa is the easternmost continent of Torvalen and contains the nations of Neztlalpan and the Kalmasan Samraj. It is the ancestral land of the Calmaxtec and adopted land of the Eshtem and Ranjari. It lies south of Barendar and north of eastern Kemesh. Kalmasa is temperate in the north, becoming tropical in the southern third of the continent. Its eastern coast faces the Atyanta Ocean. Its western coast faces the Torvalen Sea.


The Rirha Mountains run north to south, dividing the western third from the rest of the continent. The Citlatepetlan range runs northeast to south-southwest, meeting the Rirha in the south. Its southern tip ends at the beginning of the Dakshina peninsula. The low Cochicoatepetlan Mountains nearly divide the top fourth of the continent from the rest, its eastern end extending to the end of the Necutlizan peninsula jutting into the Atyanta Ocean. This range is a natural border between the Kalmasan Samraj and Neztlalpan to the north. The three ranges form the borders of the Chilacaualco Desert occupying the interior of Kalmasa.

The northeastern coastline is split into three bays. From north to south these are Chalco, Pitaco and Tepitzinco bays. Most of the southeastern coast lies within the large Gulf of Haxcalco created by the Ahuacan and Dakshina peninsulas. The western coastline lies within the Gulf of Solkar in the south and the Gulf of Gheran in the north, separated by the Veshkalni Peninsula. On the northern coast are the large bays of Cuautlalco and Ixtinzco.


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