Chilacaualco Desert

The Chilacaualco Desert is located in north-central Kalmasa and is bordered by the Cochicoatepetlan Mountains to the north, the Citlatepetlan Mountains in the east and the Rirha Mountains in the west and south. It is known for its distinctive red ochre earth and colorful canyons, particularly the Red Rock canyons near the center of the desert, which features many spring fed pools and is the location of the Red Rock Commune. It is a territory of the Kalmasan Samraj.


The Chilacaualco Desert is home to the Calmaxtec tribes collectively known as the Inokal, a people superbly adapted to the harsh desert and with whom the nomadic Ranjari people have been integrated.


Smuggling abounds in the vast, difficult to patrol desert. It is also a destination for those seeking to escape the law or who wish to simply escape society at large. With the loss of the War of Sovereignty, the Kalmasan Samraj has begun to turn inward and address internal issues such as the lawlessness of the desert and an abundance of recently unemployed veterans. A public works project has been initiated to create a road through the desert from the province of New Eshkar in the east to Donava in the west. Guarded by a series of forts, it would become the fastest and safest land route between the east and west.


  • Chilacaualco Desert
Included Organizations
Inhabiting Species

Cover image: Wadi Rum, Aqaba, Jordan by Juli Kosolapova


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