
The Kindly Guide, The Honest Advisor

Xonacue is the teotl of the dead, dreams and travelers. His altars can be found at countryside crossroads throughout rural Kalmasa. They are also found within deep caverns. In Neztlalpan his altar, along with a separate altar dedicated to his consort Ixtelchiltli, are found within the entrances to soldier's barracks.


Xonacue has a reputation as a kind, but honest and firm divinity. Those who call upon him must do so with minds free of illusions and full of acceptance. For those who do so, his presence is like clear, cold water. For those who are deceiving themselves or others, his presence is as a sucking, implacable void. Like the Lady of Bones, slaves, soldiers and prisoners are among those who worship her most fervently, as well as any who will soon face great danger or unknowns.


Xonacue is represented on his altars as a skull with a headdress of red and black feathers. The skull is one that belonged to someone who dedicated their fate to Xonacue before facing danger, most often a soldier, but also someone facing execution who wished to make atonement with the gift. These skulls are often carved with glyphs praising Xonacue and communities will pool resources to decorate it with pieces of jade or replace the teeth with gold or jade teeth.

Divine Classification


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