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  "The Silver City by the Sea"   Southreach is neither the oldest nor the largest of the great cities in Lyzantus, but as both the largest port in all of Orzadama and home to the Dominestica, the headquarters of the Silver Crest and largest temple of Baalas, it is a powerhouse not to be forgotten.   Founded in 426 PA, Southreach predates Lyzantus, and with such an active port and a population of around 11,000, Southreach is in many ways a melting pot for culture and representation. You never know what sorts of fineries, foods, or other unique goods one might encounter, be it in the markets or the cobbled main streets of Southreach.   Southreach is divided into XX districts


Southreach is run by an appointed Executor chosen by the Lyzantian High Council. The Executor then chooses a number of people to function as their council, each the head of a different branch of the local government. Presently the Executor of Southreach is Archbishop Tyrus Belvirst, a high priest of Sapism and as such a high ranking member of the Silver Crest.

Industry & Trade

Home to the largest port in all of Orzadama, many different goods and traders make their way to and through Southreach, despite it's distance from much of the heavily populated world. As such there is no end to the sorts of things one can find in the sprawling market district, nor the stalls scattered throughout the waterfront.     While it was not always the case, the shipyards of Southreach are unparalleled, often working tirelessly to catch up with the eternal backlog of orders, be they from, nobles looking to try their hand at sea trade or veteran tradesfolk looking to expand their fleets for more efficient shipping.


Though there is no debate that Dine Santvi is the most well kept city in Lyzantus (as is no surprise of the capitol city) Southreach is a very close second. Carefully paved and maintained roads cover most of the sprawling silver city, who lives well up to it's name, with heavy use of deep blues and silver tones on the Silver Crest banners that line the streets.     The prominent Lyzantian architecture is ever present, thick walls, rounded arches, sturdy stone pillars, and much decorative arcading make it impossible to forget where you find yourself. Buildings forms are clearly defined and difficult to confuse from one to the next, with the Dominestica standing as the shining silver beacon of the city. Home to the Silver Crest and the holiest temple in Sapism, the Dominestica dwarfs other buildings in both size and design.


Ambergate - To pass through the Amber Gate suggests one of two things, the first is that you are a socialite of Lyzantus, a member of the highest class of peoples, with deep pockets and deeper buries vaults. The second is that your patron is one of these folk, taken an interest to you and permitted you the chance to walk within their realm. Ambergate is the most exclusive of residential areas within Southreach, and rarely will the residents ever leave, barring their occasional travels to The Dominestica or Spotlight Row, having everything else available to them either within the safety of their own district, or by way of sending their servants out to "Southreach proper" to obtain things for them.   The Amber Market - An exclusive market only available to residents of Amber Gate and those with written invitation or seals of residents of Ambergate. Shops with carefully tested and perfected foods from far off lands, rare spices not native to Orzadama, the finest of clothes, dresses, sheets, and fabrics, and assorted exclusive fineries of all sorts fill this market, a market that thrives on ego, vice, and excess.   The Academic District - The centerpiece of the academic district is the Azuria, though not nearly as large as the Coballion, the Azuria is still a quite rich place for any aspiring weaver of the arcane to get a proper education. With specialized curricula carefully crafted by The Silver Crest for those with different aspirations within the arcane world, many would say that the Azuria is the third most prestigious arcane college in Lyzantus, and therefore the known world. Much the Coballion in Dine Santvi and the Cerulus in Drachal, the Azuria does require a bit of a lengthy process from application to acceptance though unlike it's two sister academies, it does not require a letter of patronage from a member of the Lyzantian high class in good standing. Besides the libradies inside of the buildling itself, the Azuria campus includes two massive libraries containing many texts spanning from casual recreational reading, to historical texts, to books on all sorts of arcane theory, history, and practice. Also housed in this district is housing for students who have come from outside the city, a few scattered shops that sell materials needed for classes and exams, and smaller schools for younger children, not yet old enough to begin proper college studies.   Civic District - Southreach's Civic district is one of the many places where you can see the deeply entwined relationship between Lyzantus and The Silver Crest. While the district does contain a handful of temples for other Gods, all are dwarfed by the massively looming presence of The Dominestica, the impossibly large headquarters of The Silver Crest, and the primary church of Sapism. Besides the places of worship this district has a large Museum (The Silversoul Museum) which offers many different forms of art, paintings, sculptures, classic poetry and stories, and more, complete with guided tours on the hour. included in this district are the courthouse, administrational offices, records and informational buildings, and a space for public executions.   The Dominestica - The largest single building in all of Southreach, Lyzantus (and possibly all of Orzadama), The Dominestica is the church of Sapism and the headquarters of The Silver Crest. Built off of donations during the founding of Lyzantus and continues to grow through it's history, The Dominestica cuts a powerful and imposing figure over the entirety of the large city. Complete with a number of internal chapels, offices, meeting rooms, residential area for it's clergy, feast halls, museum and more, The Dominestica is often referred to as a beacon of power and faith by Sapents, and is a fundamental building block of Lyzantus. on the gorgeous sprawling front lawn are two statues of Saint Dinvella carved out of marble, each deeply detailed and proudly displayed, along with four large fountains that people often toss copper and silver into while praying to Baalas. Behind the massive building is a closely maintained giant garden with some rare and otherwise thought extinct species of plant and flower.   Eastseat - Just inside the south eastern gate of Southreach is a residential area for the lower middle class, nestled between the Yard, the Silver Docks, the Garrison, and the rear garden of the Dominestica is Eastseat.   Notable locations in Eastseat include:   The Quiet Night, an inn & tavern near The Yard, known for leaning into the local myths and rumors about the dead rising and walking the less crowded streets at night, complete with rope strung like cobwebs and a crow named Klaus that freely flies about the bar when not resting on the shoulder of it's master, the owner of The Quiet Night, Pavush Luvonk, an older dwarven gentleman who Klaus will cheerfully warn is "Walking Dead!", to the bemusement of his master.   The Little Bird Bathhouse, is a bathhouse located in the the lower part of Eastseat. Run by Ysmyrda Galyndor, a second generation city elf with bronzed skin and narrow green eyes, She tends to keep her almost platinum blonde hair in a single long braid that she wears across her neck, almost like a collar. Dressed often in fashionable robes, some would say she seems out of place in eastseat, and she is charming, inviting, and cutting with her sharp wit. While she, like most everyone who lives in Southreach (and Lyzantus) worship Baalas, she is also a devout worshiper of Ozanti, her bathhouse is decorated with waterfalls and the walls have carvings of depictions of The Lady of Peace, both as a lamb and a woman.   Comfort Cloaks, a popular low end clothing shop in Eastseat run by Cazhia ExKaltus, a sweet and beautiful white dragonborn with youthful exuberance often adorned in pink and blue bows that tend to match her dresses, the thick frames of her spectacles, and the bows on Noodle, her small Cavalier Spaniel who never leaves her arm, though often will bark at any imposing looking adventurers who step into the Cloak, quick to defend his place.   Annie's Ale House, an ale house in Eastseat known for its subpar swill at sublime prices. Annie Wildert (the charming halfling who runs the place and is usually found behind the bartop) is well known for her knack for always knowing the current talk about the city, with lips easily loosened by the right amount of coin. Her tavern is often populated because of its low prices and desire to stay on the good side of the woman who hears everything.   Tarzak Square, a public square used sometimes for gatherings, public prayer, or simply to sit and rest. It is often populated by city criers. Named after a devout orc templar who confronted a corrupt official in the church who had began to dabble in dark arts and cleansed the black spot. There is a statue of the heroic warrior and a plaque in the center of the square.   Eastseat Markets - Much of the Eastseat Market is filled with medium to small stands of traveling merchants selling goods as they wait for their ships to disembark to their next destination. As a result, these markets are always wildly varied, and often offer rare goods from other parts of the world otherwise one would never experience, be it foods, clothing, or other assorted goods. A few of these merchants are recognizable to the nearby cityfolk as they tend to pass through a few times a year. Alongside these stands and tents are a handful of local merchants as well, who sell the same things through the year.   Notable locations in Eastseat Markets include:   Snapper on a Stick, a place considered a staple of the markets, Snapper on a Stick is, as the name suggests, a stall that serves snapper on a stick, cooked over an open flame. Run by Snokko, a small but large in spirit black scaled, grey eyed kobold who moved into the town of Southreach only a few years ago, but quickly became an icon of sorts of the Eastseat community, catching and cooking her own fish each day.   Hooked on Fishing, at the end of the well walked path leading from Eastseat into the Markets is a shack with a set of rickety steps. at the top of those steps is a hung sign "Gold and Trade accepted" and beside it, the entry to Hooked on Fishing, a shop stocked with all sorts of rods, reels, lures, and bait for prime fishing. Run by Rindy Shallo, a kind elderly light brown furred Malico with grey stripes and deep purple eyes. Rindy is always happy to sit and spend any amount of time with people who come into his shop, whether it be to discuss fishing tip and tricks or to simply swap stories. Speaking of stories, Rindy is always happy to accept an interesting tale in lieu of payment if one can't afford to pay with currency, claiming to prefer it "but one cannot pay their taxes in stories."   Two Seasoned Vets, a spice shop run by a pair of stoutling siblings, Alvin and Rose Gawkroger. A brother and sister pair of animated, loud and charismatic self proclaimed veterans of all things spice. The two are favorites of most people who visit the Eastseat Markets, both fair skinned and broad shouldered, Alavin had a deep voice that matches his aesthetic well, a short but well kept bright red flat top mohawk, with the words "Spice Siblings" shaved carefully into the short fuzz on the left side of his head and a short but thick beard covering the lower half of his face. Rose shares the same burning red hair, though hers is worn in curls rolling down past her shoulders and a voice far less deep but still weighted, with the same rich brown eyes shared between them. The two are considered to be master salespeople, and very few first timers leave their shop without a sale.   Financial District - The financial District of Southreach is loomed over by the large Dorwynd Guild hall that houses a number of approved guilds, as well as an embassy within it's walls. Inside members and hopefuls will have access to specialized shops for it's members, potential jobs to earn extra gold, and and classes, as well as rooms for members of different respective guilds. Outside of it stands a local fighters guild, banks for deposit, withdrawal, loan, or currency exchange, and more shop fronts.   Garrison - (Is also a fort)   Silver Docks   The Walls (Oldtown)   Production District   Westseat Market   Westseat   The Yard (graveyard)   Warehouse district   Spotlight Row   Prison District   Lower Quarter

Points of interest

The Dominestica - Home to the Sapentia Legerinum

This article has no secrets.


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