The Splendid Empire
Demography and Population
Approx 386000 square miles in size. Of this, 67% is arable land and 33% is wilderness. The total population of dragonborn is around 20, million according to the last census before the Splendid War.
There are 5 million orcs and 2 million humans living in the boundaries of the empire - humans to the north and orcs to the south.
The largest city is the capital with approx. 2.5 million inhabitants.
There are 5 million orcs and 2 million humans living in the boundaries of the empire - humans to the north and orcs to the south.
The largest city is the capital with approx. 2.5 million inhabitants.
Currently assimilating former human and orc territories to the north and south respectively.
Foreign Relations
In a state of what can only be described as Relative Isolation (with the government keeping diplomatic relations neutral but promoting trade) after the Peace at The meeting gave the Splendid Empire exclusive trading rights to the Divider. Relations with the Qaran nations is positive and much more reciprocal with ideas, knowledge, and exotic goods from the Qarans being traded for the material/industrial goods of the Empire.
Hegemony for Progress.
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Dragonborn Freehold
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
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