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The Second Archdevil


The group ventures forth on The River Styx where they're quickly met with a vessel of the archdevil Levistus. Kell mindlessly thrashes at the visage, while the others communicate with him. Levistus is forthcoming with his intent and decides to offer a challenge: One-on-one combat in his arena. Kell falls to Levistus, but Mex manages to gain an advantage and win with the help of Oni.

They arrive at the only place in Hell that contests the immense heat of the plane- an arena laced with the chill of Stygia. Kell enters the arena first. His brutish fighting style is overcome by Levistus' calculated moves. Kell understands that his weapon cannot break through his defense, so he opts to grapple him. This turns out to be both the best and worst idea possible. Kell throws Levistus into his own prismatic wall (the wall that has been holding back the others). It does tremendous damage, but through legendary resistance and regeneration, Levistus lives to return the favor. Kell, being a bird and therefore not an archdevil of Hell, gets sent through the prismatic wall. He only lives by expending the Hero point he acquired from slaying Nahgi. Mex is the next to enter. He wastes no time before entering a full offensive. The weakened Levistus is in no position to properly defend the one person in Hell that can move through his cold. The fight ends when Levistus drops the wall and Oni performs the raging demon. Mex takes the Stygian Straight Sword and Kell's wounds are treated as best as they can be.

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