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The Assembly of Grim

The story of how three warlocks wasted a week of the PC's time.

  • 232 AC

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    The Gauntlet
    Sporting Event / Competition

    Shin, Vishara, and James (Baolin) Targyn get kidnapped and forced to participate in a twisted game known as The Gauntlet. Their captors would become the main antagonists for the "Assembly of Grim" campaign. See: The Life of Allak, The Life of Zhalsuth, and Salethar

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    A Night in Crystmas
    Life, Relocation

    The group arrives at Crystmas with an injured James. They take him to Dr. Wannabe but cannot pay, so they agree to handle a local gang that's been extorting him.

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    Nightmares of Shine-Tooth

    The group travels to Shine-Tooth to retrieve Wannabe's brother, Shura. While they're there, they investigate a set of nightmares and missing persons that have been plaguing the town. The search leads them to a nearby tower of religious significance to the orcs that live here. In doing so, Vishara accidentally kills a guard that was helping them, resulting in his arrest and eventual jailbreak. They take Shura back to his brother and collect their reward.

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    Feyreach in Flames
    Disaster / Destruction

    James has an idea of how to find more information about their captors. Feyreach has a grand library run by a demon of lore- Sibriex. The group gathers supplies and travels to the capital, using the writ James acquired to enter with ease. While there, they're directed to Ixam in order to learn more about Allak and his religious cult. Also, Vishara learns that his spellbook is a "Book of the Leviathan." This information unfortunately leads to his untimely death.

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    The Time Skip
    Life, Identity

    The group (now just Shin and James) reevaluates their priorities after seeing the power of what they're up against. They take time for personal growth and to plan for the future. Shin goes back to Crystmas and starts to train a town guard to prevent another Medrash incident, and James stays in Feyreach to mind his shop. While in the city, James collects various poisons and looks into ways to overcome a Yuan-Ti's poison immunity.

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    New Beginnings in Esterwood
    Life, Organisation Association

    Shin and James reconvene at Feyreach and head towards Ixam, the megachurch of Grim. On the way, they stop at the hunting city of Esterwood. It's here that they meet a 'mercenary' named Mex Vultar (Vishara's replacement). Lastly, Shin finds a pupil here named Shirai. Shirai is a bit feral at the moment, but Shin feels like he can teach him to channel that rage.

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    Ixam at Last

    The group (now Shin, James, Mex, and Shirai) finally reach Ixam. They purge a cave of abominations in exchange for information and access to the church's specialized wealth of lore. They learn about the commonly believed story of the universe's creation, as well as the existence of Primordials. (The Chained God itself turns out to be the primordial dragon. See: Complete History of Rhune.) During their stay, Ixam learns of Shin's true nature and forces him and the party to flee.

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    Farewell, Phywell
    Criminal Activity

    While on the run from the church, the group reunites in the city of Phywell. They spend a few days here to recoup but are quickly forced out once the clerics and priests catch up to them. Shirai has an uncomfortable homecoming as he comes face to face with his dad for the first time in many years, and Shin has a showdown with the lone survivor of his monastery.

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    The False Hydra
    Disaster / Destruction

    Since Shin contracted scurvy during the last fight, it's time that he went back to visit Dr. Wannabe. Everyone makes their way out of the mountains and back to Crystmas only to find that they're being followed by a mute aarakocra with malicious intent. They take out the avian with ease and finish their travels. It turns out that Crystmas is under attack by an invisible threat- The False Hydra. Their time here is spent recovering and investigating the new threat.

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    Roxas and the Zealot's Blade
    Discovery, Exploration

    James gets a lead on where to find a poison strong enough to be the foundation for Zealot's Blade. This lead takes the party to Esterwood, where they'll find the hunt of a lifetime. They do any odd jobs they can along the way so that they can still afford food, one of which results in a new member joining the group: Roxas, the mimic. Also, the aarakocra they killed appears to be missing when they cross the site he was buried.

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    The Primordial Serpent

    The ultimate hunt that James caught wind of turned out to be the Primordial Serpent. Plenty venomous for the foundation of the Zealot's Blade poison. The party temporarily allies with a couple of fellow hunters before entering the serpent's temple. In the end, they defeat the serpent's champion and the venom is given willingly. Most importantly, this is where they learn that Zhalsuth was once the King of the lost and forgotten Yuan-Ti Empire. Furthermore, they now know where to find him.  

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    Zealot's Blade Downtime

    The Zealot's Blade will take time to craft and thus the group takes some downtime. Shin and Shirai go into the mountains to train, Mex and Roxas go back to the arena in Feyreach for a redemption arc, and James of course spends his time crafting the poison. (Due to scheduling conflicts, James leaves to go find himself after this).

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    (Mostly) Reunited
    Gathering / Conference

    Shin and Shirai regroup with Mex at Prodigy Potions in Feyreach. They expect to find James here, but instead find Artirro, James' brother, who informs the group that James will be away for a while. Luckily, James left behind the Zealot's Blade, as well as the whistle to call upon Boarfrost, the druid the group saved a few months back. The trio (plus Roxas) travels through Esterwood to Koledo, picking up some potions of Water-breathing along the way.

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    The Calm Before the Storm

    The group arrives in Koledo in need of a boat (and ideally someone who can sail it). Without James, buying or quietly stealing a boat isn't feasible. In the end, they do a favor for the former pirate Captain Morgan and set sail on The Oxford. They spend several days sailing, overcoming many obstacles on the way to the first of their final destinations.

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    The Storm

    The group arrives at their destination only to realize it's the body of a dead leviathan. After traversing through its mouth, they find a black void that leads into the water. They all down a potion of water-breathing and take the plunge. The first fight is against two triton guards and a sea hag coven. The group makes their way through the guards easily enough but is bombarded by the hags as they do so. Namely, Shirai takes a galvanized harpoon to the leg. Shin and Mex take out a hag each, and Shirai finally catches up in time to burn the hag on top of a magical flame (Shirai is the only one without a way to travel unhindered underwater). With three paths ahead, all leading up out of the water, they opt to explore before facing Zhalsuth.

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    The party sails back to Grim aboard the crumbling Oxford. Once on land, they give Shirai a proper send-off. They build a pyre and burn his body. Also, they find out that Roxas has disappeared without an explanation. Feeling defeated, the group attempts to find James in Feyreach. Along the way, they run into a few encounters that mark yet another increase in Fey and Demonic presence in Grim.

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    Separate Ways

    Upon arriving in Feyreach, Shin and Mex decide to part ways temporarily. Shin seeks his old temple in an effort to mourn the death of Shirai. Mex seeks James in an effort to rid himself of The Book of the Leviathan.

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    Aggressive Negotiations
    Diplomatic action

    The group reconvenes at Crystmas and meets with a negotiator from Ixam. The negotiator is the man that originally outed Shin as a demon- the librarian, Rock. The two parties strike a deal: Shin and his companions get the heretic to themselves, and they won't be hunted by the church anymore. But, Ixam now knows that Salethar is behind the demons. Also, the group is expected to meet up with Thorolund (the fallen cleric Shin met in the mountains) to recruit the orc stronghold of Grozu. Thorolund will accompany them to ensure that the heretic dies (This is also a redemption mission for Thorolund to be reinstated by the church).

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    James Abandons the Mission
    Gathering / Conference

    James departs from the group in order to unlock the secrets of the books in addition to solving the mystery of his past. Kell (the aarakocra barbarian) is exiled from Allak's cult around the same time and defects to the party. He vows to stop Allak and slay the cult's Chained God. The new party (now Shin, Mex, and Kell) makes their way through Feyreach, only stopping to inform Artirro of new developments, then finally arrives at Grozu. It turns out the stronghold had been overrun by bandits.

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    Assault on Allak

    The group moves towards the second of their final destinations. They encounter The Talon of God in Feron, monstrosities in the ashen desert, Allak in his tower, then finally they come face to face with The Chained God itself.

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    Post Mortem
    Technological achievement

    The group makes their way back to Crystmas to celebrate. On the way, they have a talk with some of the powers of Feyreach. Kell is granted diplomatic immunity and will no longer be hunted. When they arrive, Shin forges a new suit of armor for Mex made out of Nahgi's scales. Kell gets his reward from Yang around the same time- a greataxe he affectionately calls "Divine Punishment."

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    Crystmas Party
    Cultural event

    For the first time since coming together, the party takes a day to celebrate all they've achieved. Shin is uncharacteristically nice and compassionate today. He spends his time sampling local food from the vendors that set up and out-drinking everyone he can find (since he can't physically get drunk). Mex entertains the crowds. This includes giving kids "free Dragonborn rides" on his shoulders. Kell gets a dose of culture shock as this is the first welcoming community he's been in since the cult.

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    Into the Depths
    Military action

    The group makes their way to Dher Boldar, the underground city of the Dwarves. They gain entrance by explaining their quest to Hell and are backed up by the people of Ixam. While they initially wanted to just pass through, they get caught up in a conflict between the Dwarves and the neighboring Drow. The Drow have shut down communications with the dwarves, and many are concerned they've reverted to their evil ways under the spider queen. This turns out to not be the case as the party investigates and finds that the Drow are actually being controlled by an invasive mind flayer colony.

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    The Underdark

    The group has departed from Dher Boldar, literal war in their wake. The days have become hard to tell apart. Their travels through the Underdark bounced between mundane and bizarre. Some days were just mindless marching through winding caves. Others, they would find a mindless Duergar mining eternally or even a goblin that was seemingly made of pockets. Eventually, they stumbled across the Gith. First the last member of the Githzerai, then the Githyanki that slaughtered them. At last, through helping the Githyanki, they managed to travel to Hell.   The party splits up here. Shin and Kell go to Hell, Mex goes to Sunnyvale (the city of mimics), and Shale stays behind at Tu'narath.

  • 234 AC


    Sunnyvale and The River Styx
    Discovery, Exploration

    Mex finds himself in Sunnyvale and starts his search for his old friend. He's successful in doing so, and he learns that the primordial mimic had been calling all mimics back home; a call that Roxas could not ignore. He also encounters an archdevil by the name of Zariel here, who was using the mimics to build some kind of monument that unlocks the latent power of those that use it. Zariel gets away and Mex brings Roxas on the long way to Hell- The River Styx.

  • 234 AC


    Entering Hell
    Discovery, Exploration

    Shin and Kell attempt to teleport into Hell from Tu'narath. Since this is an improper method, they must face a sinful trial. Through either incredible wit or indescribable luck, the duo passes each escalating trial with ease. The only exception to this is when it comes time for Kell to overcome his greed and his past. He attempts to wish upon a well and immediately gets his psyche overloaded. He comes face to face with his bloodlust and his regret of severing the only real connections he's ever had. He watches his God die a second time before Shin snaps him back to reality.

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    The First Hour

    Shin transforms upon entering the sulfur-soaked plane of Hell. Transformed doesn't even begin to describe what his body undergoes. Shin dies here and Oni comes to life from the ashes. The feelings of bloodlust Kell has been trying to keep down bubbles over as he sees his greatest challenge before him. A fight between Oni and Kell breaks out, but Kell is at a disadvantage from the trial that just took place. He's forced to retreat by flying into the open skies of Avernus. Oni pursues but stops when he senses a scrap of his old self. He spots Shirai in the midst of an open battlefield. The group later comes to understand this as one of the many areas a battle of the blood war rages. But, the politics matter not. Oni is determined to destroy any faint image of the weak one, and Kell is about to truly let loose for the first time since Nahgi. The battle ends with Oni finally laying Shirai to rest. Alquam, the Demon Lord of Night, escapes into The Forest of Death. The duo learns that Salethar can be found at the end of The River Styx.

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    The First Archdevil

    Kell and Oni proceed through The Forest of Death. Flying above the trees, they spot Alquam and his Herald of Darkness. What's more, they see a path of destruction heading straight for the Demon Lord. They decide to land and warn him. Alquam was originally waiting there to test them, but he decides that a combined effort against the impeding force would suffice. That force turned out to be Bael and a small squadron of bone devils. Alquam, his herald, and our duo fight against Bael- The archdevil of Minauros (Third layer).

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    The Second Archdevil

    The group ventures forth on The River Styx where they're quickly met with a vessel of the archdevil Levistus. Kell mindlessly thrashes at the visage, while the others communicate with him. Levistus is forthcoming with his intent and decides to offer a challenge: One-on-one combat in his arena. Kell falls to Levistus, but Mex manages to gain an advantage and win with the help of Oni.

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    The Final Hour

    The party joins the demons of Hell in a siege against Salethar and his devils. They slip into his dungeon undetected then make their way through his castle before confronting him on his roof. The arena is covered in fey magic and scorches caused by the siege, but the party marches forward without fear. The fight ends after multiple stages and culminates back in Feyreach of all places. Salethar is defeated just before he can kill Mex.

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    The Aftermath of the Assembly
    Life, Milestone

    Zhalsuth, Allak, and Salethar have all been stopped while Oni, Mex Vultar, and Kell live to tell the tale. The face of Grim is left in ruin as not every settlement was equipped to handle the rise in demonic presence that occurred over the campaign. Feron, Koledo, and Dher Boldar have all fallen while Esterwood, Phywell, Ulford, and Crystmas have been weakened (Crystmas, in particular, would have fallen without the efforts of the party, and Koledo only fell due to James' assassination of the jarl).