Havok Character in Rhye | World Anvil
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The second king of Rhye and self-confessed cause of it's demise. King Havok is a medium heighted elf with two pairs of bluish insect wings, and a crown of white birch wood. He currently stands upon the cliffs at the survivors fields, watching over his dead Kingdom, waiting for adventurers to hear his call for aid.   Quote from King Havok upon what happened to his Kingdom: “What happened here? Simply put, the magic left this place, and without it, the kingdom crumbled to dust. A more useful and appropriate answer however is a little longer. This kingdom was born from the mind of the first Fairy King, my predecessor. A man of joviality and a quest for the pure enjoyment of life. He used his very soul as the fuel to create a masterpiece of a world. Each corner of my home was built for enjoyment, and under his reign, we flourished in the perfect kingdom. However, as with all beings, he passed on to the next life. His magic passed on to me. I tried my hardest to preserve his perfection, to recreate and protect everything that he had decree. But I was wrong to do this. Before my eyes the world changed, and I did not change with it. And bit by bit, the magic fell from the land, until there wasn’t enough left to sustain it. Everything turned to dust. Ash fell from the sky. And the people vanished along with everything else. I can see from here, there error of my ways. I should have changed things as the world changed. I see my mistakes through this lens.” He holds up a circular disc of glass. “And I have brought you here, to go back, and change everything, so that the kingdom never falls.”  


Early Life

Havok was born in The Court of Dulceria, upon the Northern Ice Sheets. As a child, he was withdrawn yet kind, and got along with most of his peers, although few would be called friends. Those around him often referred to his as the listener, or the secret keeper, and though it was not intentional the young boy who wished to be included took on a role of a sympathetic ear to all around him.   In education, Havok took a keen interest in writing, focusing on poetry, and later songs, and in a surprising move, even joined a choir. However, his writings clashed with those his singing group preferred, and soon he moved on.   Since he struggled to fit on, or rather he did not enjoy those avalible to join in with, he craved nature. Here, he could be himself in a world where things were beautiful and simple, and spent much time outside in the cold, even enduring storms and endless nights without the protection of fire and walls.  

The Petrified Forest

When he was old enough to leave home, Havok traveled to an abandoned settlement where Aurelia, an aquaintance of his, had taken up residence. Although lead by Aurelia's compassions, Havok was a key figure in the Petrified Forest, and together they created a land of peace and acceptance. However, life here was strangely lonely, as those who came here sought to escape their previous lives, and as such Havok became cut off from much of the world.  

The Fall Children

Of those who came to live in the Petrified Forest were four boys who were, along with Havok, to become the Fall Children. From other courts, they provided enrichment that Havok had missed since moving here, and they quickly formed a tight bond. With a variety of creative talents, the group formed the Fall Children, and together created a variety of art (For example, see Fall Children: The First Spite) which they toured the kingdom with.   The group's act, considered melodramatic and edgy, proved popular across the land, boosting the Fall Children's reputation. Their subjects covered lonliness, grief, pain, and anger, which were emotions rarely talked about in Rhye.   The Fall Children Massacre in the year 85 is considered the first catastrophe that took place in Rhye. Havok's four companions, lost in their own passions, planned a serial murder that their believed would be the ultimate education and display of grief. Eleven were killed before they were apprehended, following Havok reporting the plans to King Mercury.   Although it was on Havok's information that the Fall Children were caught, suspicion was still cast upon him. He was imprisoned at the King's palace for a year until we was released.  

December's Underground

Upon his release, Havok returned to the Court of Dulceria, however he travelled to the South Western arm of the court, the point closest to the island where his lost companions were now being held. Using strikingly artisan magics, Havok sculpted his new home out of the ice, and named it December's Underground. Initally, it consided of plane halls and his own simple living quarters, the under ground sanctuary quickly grew and evolved. Less isolated than the Petrified Forest due to the nearby Brighton Tenements and the rapidly forming December's Overground, many of Havok's friends soon moved to join him. Havok created living spaces for them in the ice.   While here, Havok continued to write songs and sing, and though he no longer toured, his work was still popular, and after his coronation it was revered as part of the history of Rhye. For example, The Book of Havok’s Songs Vol. 1.   As with The Black Queen's Castle and The White Queen's Palace, December's Underground became considered an estblishment in its own right, with its own culture and governance.  

Ascention to the Throne of Rhye

King Havok was crowned in the year 94, 5 years after the passing of King Mercury. His legitmacy was confirmed as the mantle of magic that King Mercury had used to create and sustain Rhye had passed onto Havok, giving him complete control of the Kingdom's magic. Some sources report that the mantle had begun to move to Havok on the day in 85 that he attended the King's court to report the Fall Children, and most agree that it is the mantle that he used to build December's Underground.   God did not start speaking to Havok until King Mercury had passed however. God advised that Havok spend half a decade becoming familiar with the feel of the world and the mantle before travelling to the King's Court, which Havok was dreading. When finally Havok attended the court and was revealed as the Mantle Holder, he was welcomed by squabbling courtiers and minor politicans.   Although many of those in his council protested, Havok rules in his own way, encouraged by God's voice. Many of the practises that were common since the creation of the land were discouraged, favouring more sustainable and less 'perfect' alternatives.   In the year 98, 3 years into his reign, God fell silent. Alone in a court of the previous generation, Havok was overwhelmed, and resigned to attempting to continue King Mercury's perfect kingdom.  

The Fall of Rhye

During the collapse of Rhye, Havok survived up until the last days. He helped many of his friends pass to the river safely, and comforted those in pain where he could. He waiting until all others have left before he himself travelled to the river. However, death was not destined for him, and the strange and mysterious night train drew up, beconing him to board.  

The Survivors Plains

Saved by The Night Train, Havok and the three survivors of the fall of Rhye were taken to the survivors fields, where they were able to create a basic life. Here, Havok felt drawn to remain watchful over his dead Kingdom, until forty years later, God once more began speaking to Havok.  

Magic Style

King Havok hold a particular affinity with winter, more so than many who live in The Court of Aurelia, also known as the Court of Winter. His most famous achievment is the sculpting of December's Underground, a beautiful and peaceful settlement in the South of Aurelia's Court where many young elves of the court have moved to. His synchrony with ice is instant, allowing his to create, melt, and move ice at his will in an instant. Flowers are another speciality of Havok's, although he only uses gentle nudges to nourish and prefers plants to bloom following their own wisedom.   Following the fall of Rhye, Havok has been given a connection between two versions of himself in time, the first being the one who watches over the dead Kingdom from the survivors plains, and the other being his self in the first ten years of his reign.

Sensitive, Kind, Melancholy

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Current Location
Current Residence
The Kings Court
Brown with highlights
5ft 11


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